Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 bases de datos para buscar trabajo en Estados Unidos

Al igual que sucede en otros paà ­ses, en Estados Unidos se obtiene frecuentemente empleo a travà ©s de familiares o amigos que ponen en contacto a la persona interesada en trabajar con el empleador. Ademà ¡s, es comà ºn encontrar trabajo recurriendo a bases de datos especializadas en empleo. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre bases de datos reputadas a la hora de emplear. Ademà ¡s, se informa sobre quià ©nes pueden trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos y quà © empresas o instituciones tienen un rà ©cord notable patrocinando tarjetas de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocidas como green cards, o visas temporales de empleo a trabajadores extranjeros. Tome en cuenta: Bà ºsqueda de empleo en Estados Unidos Si no se tiene un documento para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos (y si no hay otros impedimentos migratorios), debe obtenerse patrocinador. Las empresas e instituciones solo pueden patrocinar si cumplen requisitos estrictos establecidos por las leyes migratorias.  ¿Quà © documentacià ³n requieren los extranjeros para trabajar legalmente en EE.UU.? Es muy importante entender que en Estados Unidos las opciones para que los extranjeros puedan trabajar legalmente està ¡n reguladas por la ley y son bà ¡sicamente: Residencia permanente, que se puede sacar de muchas maneras, incluida por patrocinio laboral y en casos excepcionales de  personas absolutamente brillantes se les permite patrocinarse a ellas mismas.Visas con las que se puede trabajar, como las H, las de intercambio conocidas como J, las O para personas con habilidades especiales u otras.Visa TN para los profesionalistas mexicanosVisas que no permiten trabajar salvo en casos muy particulares, como la F-1 de estudiante.Permisos de trabajo, que no deben confundirse con las visas de trabajo . 10 bases de datos para encontrar trabajo en EE.UU. El siguiente listado incluye 10 bases de datos generalistas de interà ©s tanto para quienes buscan visa o green card, como para quienes ya tienen documentos para trabajar.   1. Permite buscar entre aproximadamente cuarenta millones de ofertas de empleo en todo el mundo, de las que unos siete millones corresponden a Estados Unidos. 2.  Disney. Ofrece diferentes trabajos en distintos paà ­ses, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Canadà ¡, Reino Unido e Irlanda. 3. Mà ¡s de dos mil universidades, casi todas de los Estados Unidos, publicitan en esta pà ¡gina sus ofertas laborales para profesores tanto en colleges de cuatro aà ±os como en community colleges de dos. 4. Oferta empleos para personas bilingà ¼es inglà ©s-espaà ±ol. 5. Esta web permite buscar trabajo internacional, incluido en Estados Unidos, a licenciados universitarios. Ademà ¡s, ofrece programas de prà ¡cticas en empresa, tanto para estudiantes como para recià ©n licenciados. Y en empresas relevantes como ABB o Goldman Sachs. 6. Este es un portal con variaciones en multitud de paà ­ses. La bà ºsqueda se puede hacer por compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, por lugar donde radica el puesto de trabajo que se oferta o por el tipo de empleo que se busca. 7. Un gran mapamundi permite presionar sobre cualquier paà ­s marcado en verde y comenzar la bà ºsqueda de empleo. Hay ofertas en prà ¡cticamente toda Europa, Estados Unidos, Canadà ¡, Latinoamà ©rica, Australia y buena parte de Asia. 8. Aquà ­ se puede buscar trabajo y aplicar directamente con las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as que ofertan empleo. Ademà ¡s, tiene portales propios para ofertas en Canadà ¡ y el Reino Unido. 9.  Naciones Unidas. El portal de la ONU ofrece todas las novedades en empleo en las organizaciones que dependen de esta institucià ³n. Para trabajar en la sede de Nueva York conviene destacar que se podrà ­a disfrutar de la visa G-4, que ofrece grandes ventajas. 10. En esta base de datos se puede realizar la bà ºsqueda por ciudad, compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, profesià ³n o categorà ­as en las que no es infrecuente la contratacià ³n de extranjeros con necesidad de patrocinio de visa, como la ingenierà ­a, software o enseà ±anza. Ademà ¡s, todos los profesionales deberà ­an tener en cuenta la red social LinkedIn a la hora de buscar trabajo, tanto para buscar empresas como para colocar visible un perfil profesional para atraer a posibles empleadores. Asimismo, es recomendable verificar las oportunidades que brindan bases de datos de empleo especialistas en trabajo para latinos, como latpro, ihispano o latinosinhighered, à ©sta à ºltima para empleos en universidades. Los cruceros son tambià ©n una fuente de empleo a tener en cuenta ya que brindan posibilidad de empleo a categorà ­as de trabajos muy distintas e incluso en las menos cualificadas el sueldo bà ¡sico suele ser superior al sueldo mà ­nimo de EE.UU. Varias agencias està ¡n especializadas en seleccionar trabajadores para cruceros, para los que serà ­a posible obtener la visa C1/D para trabajar. Por à ºltimo, para las personas que ya tienen papeles, pueden considerar como carrera las oportunidades que brinda el Ejà ©rcito y tambià ©n las ofertas de empleos en el gobierno federal.   Empresas con rà ©cord de patrocinar green card y visas de trabajo Si se busca una green card por trabajo, un buen lugar para empezar la bà ºsqueda de patrocinador es verificando las 100 empresas que en el à ºltimo aà ±o patrocinaron mà ¡s tarjetas de residencia. Ademà ¡s, hay informacià ³n sobre el nà ºmero de patrocinados, salarios medios brindados y sector.  Debe tener en cuenta que la mayorà ­a son del sector de las tecnologà ­as, pero hay muchos mà ¡s, incluso trabajos para los que no es necesario tener estudios universitarios, algunos muy bien pagados. En cuanto a los patrocinadores de las visas H-1B, para profesionales, estas son las 100 empresas con mayor nà ºmero de patrocinados. Cabe destacar que estas visas son muy codiciadas y que, dependiendo del trabajo, es posible que se tenga que esperar muchos meses para obtener una, o incluso a pesar de tener patrocinador, no obtenerla por no ganar la loterà ­a. Ademà ¡s, existen empresas privadas de colocacià ³n que a cambio de un pago se dedican a encontrar posibles patrocinadores de esta visa para buenos candidatos extranjeros. Algunas de ellas està ¡n especializadas en determinados trabajos, por ejemplo, Randstad es buena para ingenieros y tambià ©n theengineeringjob. En cuanto a las visas H-2A para agricultura y H-2B para trabajos temporeros no agrà ­colas, estos son reclutadores en Mà ©xico para empresas estadounidenses.  Antes de cerrar un acuerdo con un reclutador, debe verificar  si tiene un buen rà ©cord o si en el pasado ha tratado mal o estafado a trabajadores. En las visas H-2A, el mayordomo, es decir, el capataz, con frecuencia es mexicano o centroamericano y pide a su patrono que aà ±o tras aà ±o contrate a personas de sus pueblos o zonas. Aunque con la administracià ³n del Presidente Donald Trump se ha dado un recorte en el nà ºmero de visas O y H-2B que se aprueban cada aà ±o fiscal, las H-2A han experimentado un movimiento contrario, es decir, al alza. Asà ­, en el aà ±o fiscal 2018 se aprobaron un total de 242.762 visas agrà ­colas segà ºn datos del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos, lo que supone un incremento del 146 por ciento en apenas ocho aà ±os. En cuanto a las enfermeras/os, existen agencias de contratacià ³n especialistas en buscar trabajo a este tipo de profesionales extranjeros. Este es un trabajo siempre en gran demanda en los Estados Unidos y, en consonancia, son bien pagados. Los mà ©dicos y los maestros son tambià ©n profesionales en gran demanda. Los maestros suelen ser contratados con visas H-1A, con la J-1 de intercambio mediante agencias autorizadas o incluso patrocinados para una green card.   Las visas de intercambio J-1 son una categorà ­a muy amplia y en muchos de los programas agencias autorizadas brindan servicios de colocacià ³n a los candidatos extranjeros, como es el caso de nià ±eras (au pairs), staff de apoyo para campamentos de verano, trabajo en ONGs de los Estados Unidos, etc. Para los tripulantes y demà ¡s empleados de cruceros que està ¡n interesados en obtener una visa C-1/D, se puede contactar directamente con las empresas, como Royal Caribbean, o tambià ©n se puede realizar la bà ºsqueda a travà ©s de agencias intermediarias, como Cruisehipjobs o uno de estos mà ¡s de 300 reclutadores en 65 paà ­ses.   Consejos para buscar trabajo en los Estados Unidos El primer consejo para buscar con à ©xito trabajo en los Estados Unidos es hacer un buen CV o resumà ©, y una excelente carta de presentacià ³n siguiendo uno de los modelos comunes en los Estados Unidos. Es importante que està © en inglà ©s y sin faltas de ortografà ­a. Ademà ¡s es muy importante personalizar estos documentos segà ºn las caracterà ­sticas de la empresa a la que se le envà ­a. No se debe cometer el error de enviar el mismo a todas. Tambià ©n es importante ser proactivo. Es decir, buscar el mayor nà ºmero de empresas posible, ver quà © buscan y comunicarse con ellas. Por à ºltimo, tener mucho cuidado y evitar problemas con las autoridades migratorias. Cada visa es para lo que es. Por ejemplo, una visa de turista no es para estudiar a tiempo completo  ni tampoco para trabajar, tanto una como otra accià ³n constituyen una violacià ³n migratoria. Tampoco es correcto ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista con el fin de buscar trabajo. Si en algà ºn momento un oficial de Inmigracià ³n sospecha que ese ha sido el caso, se va a tener problemas. Otra cosa distinta es si una vez aquà ­ surge la posibilidad de que una empresa ofrezca una oportunidad de empleo.   La realidad de los salarios Para las personas interesadas, la oportunidad de trabajar o emigrar a Estados Unidos es una gran decisià ³n que, en general, compensa situaciones dolorosas como dejar a familia, amigos y paà ­s para hacer vida en un paà ­s extraà ±o. Entre las razones por las que las que se da el gran salto para trabajar en Estados Unidos està ¡n las mejores condiciones econà ³micas y laborales. Y, por supuesto, que eso es asà ­. Pero no hay que estar ciego a las realidades. Por ejemplo, la vida es mà ¡s cara en Estados Unidos, por lo que a veces no se gana tanto como se cree como demuestra este comparativo salarial de 8 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses distintos. Esto es especialmente verdad en profesiones que pagan poco, como por ejemplo, el salario mà ­nimo  que puede ser insuficiente en las ciudades mà ¡s caras del paà ­s. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que se pagan impuestos federales y estatales y que estos à ºltimos varà ­an grandemente de estado a estado y pueden hacer una gran diferencia en ingresos reales. Por à ºltimo, tener presente que se han dado casos de fraude en ofertas laborales a trabajadores extranjeros, particularmente con las distintas visas de la familia de las H. En estos casos, es posible denunciarlo. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Implement Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care

Unit 4222-207 Implement person centred approaches in health and social care 1.1 Person centred values are guides on how individuals are treated. These values are: * Dignity- supporting individuals to maintain emotional control and supporting individuals with sensitive situations. * Respect- recognising an individual’s sense of worth and importance to others. * Privacy- making sure individuals rights is maintained. * Individuality- recognising an individual as an individual. 1.2 It is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values this is because you then include the individual in activities and allowing them to make choices. People with disabilities should be seen as equal partners and not people†¦show more content†¦For example a carer getting the client to undress themselves rather than the carer doing it for them. This gets the individual involved in the task and it also maximise their independence. The individual will become more confident in themselves as they know they can now do the task. This will make them determined to do other tasks. You encourage the individual by finding out what their personal history is, likes and dislikes. This will play an important part in active participation. By taking the person-centred approach to care means you are looking for ways to meet the individual’s needs and wishes. This is very different to a service approach because you cannot get an individual to fit in if they don’t fit in. By making the individual fit in will make the individual unhappy and the individual may want to fight back because they are not happy. 4.2 Barriers to active participation are: * The carer can lack understanding of the individual’s personal history, health and cognitive status and social abilities. * The carer may view the person as a passive recipient of care who is always dependent on others. * The carer may be not committed to making the active participation approach work. * The carer may lack patience and tenacity when pursuing active participation goals. * The carer may have low expectations of the person’s ability to develop, change and achieve. 5.3 A workers personal views should not influence anShow MoreRelatedUnit 4222-207 Implement Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care (Hsc 026)801 Words   |  4 Pages4222-207 Implement person centred approaches in health and social care (HSC 026) Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support 1) Define person-centred values Treating people as individuals Making sure people have their privacy Making sure people have access to their rights Treating people with dignity and respect Supporting people to be as independent as possible 2) Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values Read MoreAssess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay662 Words   |  3 Pagesindividual in a health and social care setting Compare and contrast the range and purpose of different forms of assessment The assessment process is the back bone to any package of care and it is vital that it is personal and appropriate to the individual concerned. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing and Management Clothing and Lifestyle Brands

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Management for Clothing and Lifestyle Brands. Answer: Introduction Bonds clothing is popularly regarded as one of the leading clothing and lifestyle brands in Australia. The organization primarily deals with the manufacture and import of clothing material of men, women as well as kids. Among many existent fashion brands in this part of the world, Bonds can be deemed as one of the best in terms of quality of products as well as popularity. Bonds took the step from national to international recognition when it spread its wings to Jakarta, Indonesia in 2013. In this assignment, the researcher would fundamentally focus on the current market trends evaluating on factors such as growth, profitability and macro environment relating to the renowned Australian clothing organization named as Bonds. This study will also elaborate the concepts about the identification of market segments and influence of the segments in the decision making of the organization along with the discussion on various strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A brief description of industry market and evaluation of current trends. Apparel and clothing industry sales are influenced by few factors such as financial conditions, demographic trends etc. For an individual organization, the current trend in fashion may also play an essential part. The clothing industry in Australia is massive, has enough maturity and is highly fragmented as well. The current trends can be evaluated elaborately taken a few factors into consideration. These factors are discussed in this section (Mapping the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industries cluster, 1999). Evaluation of current trends in terms of growth The market in the clothing and apparel industry has been on the rise in terms of growth. In the present retail based environment, the clothing and apparel market has been regarded as one of the leading booming industries in the world. The production driven approach of the market has changed considerably with passing time towards a more fast fashion approach and realization of consumer needs have been more prolific (Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸can, 2000). Bonds clothing brand of Australia has also grown from strength to strength over the past two decades with the change of approach of the clothing and apparel industry. From more of a conventional style, Bonds clothing has embraced a more transparent buyer-supplier relationship, efficient supply chain management which contributed to the success and growth of the organization (Kim, 2013). Evaluation of current trends in terms of profitability With the ever changing scenario of the business market, the change of approach has raised the bar for customer satisfaction. Along with the customer satisfaction, it has also brought new levels of profitability ("Current Trends in Imaging Evaluation of Chiari Malformations", 2011). Clothing and apparel industry is such a market where growth and profitability walk hand in hand. With the evolution of the former, the latter is entitled to rise as well. As per the Bonds clothing brand, the profitability, and the revenues have significantly risen over the past decade. From being an Australian brand, it has got international recognition as well in the year 2010, when the business step foot in Jakarta, Indonesia. In a nutshell, it can be safely stated that the profitability of the organization has reached a new high in the past two decades (Ayla Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸gren, 2010). Evaluation of current trends in terms of Macro-environment The macro environment can be regarded as the environmental factors which are not liable to be controlled or are deemed as uncontrollable beyond the grip or influence of the organization. Macro environment constitutes of certain elements. The fundamental factors of the macro environment are demographic, economic, political, cultural, technological, legal and global factors (Pickles, 2006). In the case of Bonds clothing brand of Australia, PESTEL analysis of those factors is elaborated in this section. Political Factors Economic Factors Society factors Technological factors The ending of import quotas favors cost reduction. Fast paced and emerging markets Growing importance of fashion in urban lifestyle Increase in promotion and distribution via different channels of technology Corruption Reduction of cost via globalization Changing consumer habits in Australia Fewer ambiguities in shopping owing to online shopping and promotion. Unexpected political violence Economic crisis Variety of products guaranteed owing to cultural diversities and choices Identification of major market segments and analysis of primary and secondary target markets. Market segmentation is regarded as a significant as well as influential factor in terms of achieving success in the modern day competitive market. In the case of Australia-based clothing brand Bonds, the market segmentation and detailed analysis of the primary and secondary target markets are discussed in this section ("IRS provides more detail on EO market segments", 2002). Bonds clothing and apparel organizations business market is segmented between the clothing products for kids, men as well as women. In the case of men and women, the organization fundamentally targets to attract the age groups belonging to 20 to 40. The organization ensures that within the perimeter of this group, the color barriers are non-existent, and the customers belong to diverse backgrounds as well (Yuasa, 2001). A modern day customer is a flexible man or woman with who can easily fit or adjust in different environments and is not hesitant to pay a hefty chunk of his or her hard earned money for genuine quality clothing. In the case of the kids and baby clothing, Bonds organization also has specialized expertise and quality products. The primary target markets that can be identified and analyzed in the case of Bonds, are the clothing of every variety such as underwear, trackers etc. of men and women ranging from the age group of 20 to 40 years. This age group is the organizations primary target as it is observed via extensive market research that online shopping is most proffered by this age group in this part of the world and Bonds make a hefty chunk of their revenue by online shopping (Dijkstra, 2015). They have their brand stores as well in various parts of Australia, and by conveying a thorough market research analysis it is observed that the sale ratio is much higher in the mentioned age group in case of both the sexes. The secondary target market of Bonds clothing organization can be regarded as the baby clothing section. Different promotional and distributional techniques are used by the organization in order to promote their baby clothing genre in the market. But due to the unquestionable and genuine quality of their products and efficient on time delivery and replacement on damage services; this particular section of the organizations business is also touching new and potentially successful benchmarks (Verde, Irpino, Balzanella, 2016). The identification of the market segmentation along with identification and analysis of the primary and secondary target markets has been possible owing to the extensive market research and conduction of numerous surveys by the Bonds clothing organization. Discussion on the influence of involvement of primary segment in terms of decision making. In terms of decision making, the primary segment of the market segmentation has a fundamental part to play, with reference to Bonds clothing brand based in Australia. The decision making in terms of organizational decisions can be regarded as a potentially future and outcome changing factor in terms of reputation and growth of the business organization. The primary segment of an organization effectively portrays its value in the market. So, the primary segment thus plays a major part in the decision-making in the organization. In Bonds clothing organization, the major decisions are taken by the administrative department considering into account the type of impact that decision can potentially make in the primary segment of the organization (Kang Choi, 2016). For instance, if the organization decides to make some changes in the distribution strategies or promotional strategies, it ensures the fact that those changes would not possibly have a negative effect on the primary section of the organization. Moreover, if some changes are required to be made in the organization, aligned with the ever changing market trends, then it is ensured by the highly authorized administrative department that those changes are made having a positive impact on the primary segment of the organization. The primary segment of the organization has a considerable level of significance in terms of decision making in the organization owing to the fact that as it represents the organization, so the reputation of the primary segment is deemed as an essential factor. Although it should also be taken into consideration that the secondary segment of the organization also constitutes a considerable part of the organization's success. But, if an administrative decision is made in the organization regarding any major changes, then the priority level of the primary segment is at a much higher level than that of the secondary segment. For instance, if Bonds clothing enterprise is conducting a market survey on the television, then the promotion of their primary segment products will be much more influential than the promotion of their secondary segment products (Flores, 2010). As the primary and the secondary segments are identified via extensive market research and analysis, it is necessary that while decision making and conducting other major promotional and distributional activities, the primary segment is given added importance and significance. In this way, it can be stated that the primary segment is essentially involved in the context of decision making in the top business enterprises such as Bonds. Description of the competitive nature in the industry and analysis of organizations place in the market by evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. Competitiveness is the most common trait of the modern era. The scenario is the same in the case of clothing and apparel industries as well. In Australia, there exists numerous clothing brands and Bonds face highly significant and competitive threats to their business (Turgut Gultekin, 2015). Apart from established clothing and apparel business enterprises, competition from various third parties is also existent this could possibly be a reason for the reduction of the organization's sales as well as an increment in the purchase cost of their raw materials. As Bonds clothing expanded to various types of clothing, it faces a breakneck competition from the other competitors who are specialized in that particular market. For instance, Bonds expanded their business to baby clothing and apparel section but faces a stiff competition from the other business enterprises that are specialized in that particular genre. In some cases, the scenario might be a bit more adverse where the competitor s adapt to the ever changing requirements and demands of the customers more quickly, and that may result in loss of a few customers and in turn, net loss in the sales ratio. It should be taken into account that, in order to get a foothold in this cut-throat competitive market, an organization has to constantly come up with new ideas and new promotional and distributional strategies otherwise the organization may face unwanted consequences (Wu, Zilberman, Babcock, 2001). It is often the case that the fundamental competitive factors in the clothing and apparel industry are basically the design of the product, brand image, consumer satisfaction, affordable price, genuine quality of the product, marketing, promotion and distribution of the products, and after sale customer service. In the case of Bonds, there exist some particular products which can be made use of season after season; the clothing and apparel industry in a general point of view can be deemed as subject to rapidly changing trends in fashion and ever-changing customer requirements. A SWOT analysis is conducted in order to determine and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Bonds clothing based in Australia ("Composites industry gets SWOT analysis", 2001). Strengths Clarified target markets. Recognized brand value Clear business plan. All the product items are elaborately promoted and introduced to the customers. Weaknesses Customers cannot see product quality online. High price demands long distance delivery. High time consumption for long distance delivery. Opportunities Region restriction is non-existent. Expansion of market for foreign customers. Comparatively less online shopping options for the Australian customers. Threats Cut throat competition. Loss due to product backlogging. Business strategies can be easily copied. Positioning map for the marketplace In the above figure, a positional map for the marketplace is drawn, with reference to Bonds clothing and apparel business enterprise based in Australia. This positional map constitutes of factors such as price and value of the products, selection of clothing and apparel by the customer in accordance with the current existing trends in fashion and lifestyle, the convenience of the customer and the service provided by the organization (Jewell Barone, 2007). The positional map elaborates few major factors in terms of the clothing and apparel industry. One of those factors involves the fact that based on the selection of the product by the customers, the demand for that particular product would increase, and in turn, the price of that particular product is also liable to increase owing to its high demands. It is also witnessed that if discount policies are applied on any of the products, then it is more likely to be sold than the other products. For instance, a business strategy could be applied that if a product of genuinely high quality cannot be sold owing to its high price tag, then if a discount policy is applied to it, then it is more than likely to be sold. Every clothing and apparel business organization existent in todays modern marketplace applies more or less the same positional theories but, the quality of product and the service provided is often witnessed as the distinguishing factor in these business enterprises. Bonds stands among one of the leading clothing and apparel brands in Australia in terms of both online shopping and conventional shopping and thus it's positioning in the marketplace is also immaculately high, as it sets such high standards in terms of clothing and apparel products (Perera, Khatibi, Navarathna, 2015). Their success is also owing to their diverse collection of products ranging from apparels for men, women, and kids as well. Conclusion It can be easily stated from this assignment, that clothing and apparel industry will continue its significant and ever growing influence on the masses in the future. This sector can be regarded as one of the most lucrative business propositions in the whole wide world. Bonds, a clothing brand based in Australia has achieved a significant amount of growth and success over the past two decades. This huge amount of success is made possible by the extensive market research, evaluation of the ever changing trends in the market, identification of the different market segments along with the evaluation of the primary and secondary market targets and implementation of the right and apt business strategies and state of the art promotional and distributional techniques to become one of the leading clothing brands in Australia. Bonds has spread its wings in the international market as well, when it stepped in Jakarta, Indonesia in the year 2013, earning an international reputation as well alon g with national prominence in Australia. References Ayla, C. Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸gren, N. (2010). University-industry cooperation in terms of textile-apparel education.Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences,2(2), 3437-3441. Composites industry gets SWOT analysis. (2001).Materials Today,4(3), 21. Current Trends in Imaging Evaluation of Chiari Malformations. (2011).Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology,34(22), 6. Dijkstra, P. (2015). Price leadership and unequal market sharing: Collusion in experimental markets.International Journal Of Industrial Organization,43, 80-97. Flores, R. (2010). Enrique Badia. Zara and her Sisters: The Story of the World's Largest Clothing Retailer.Enterprise And Society,11(2), 432-433. IRS provides more detail on EO market segments. (2002).The Nonprofit Counsel,19(5), 6-7. Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸can, T. (2000). 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Getting Started with NoSQL

Questions: 1. Please compile the database model types in chronological order and give a database for each of the model types as an example? 2. Please compare and contrast Relational Databases and NoSQL Databases briefly? Answers: 1: Following are three database model types: Hierarchical databases are organized in the pyramid form which is narrow at the top and broad at the bottom. Similar or related records are grouped together in order to form a high-level record. For e.g. File System Network model is an upside-down tree which has inter-connected network of records. In these type of databases, children are known as members and parents are known as owners. Relational data model has data stored in different tables and each table has a unique identifier which distinguishes each row. They provide more flexibility as compare to hierarchical and network databases. For e.g. Oracle. 2: Relational databases are known as Relational Databases (RDBMS); whereas NoRelational database are known as non-relational or distributed database. Relational databases are based on table structure and No-Relational databases are document-based, key-value pair or graph-based. This means that relational databases represent databases in the form of tables which contains n number of rows of data where as NoSQL databases are collection of key-value pair which does not possess standard schema definitions. This depicts that RDBMS has a pre-defined schema whereas NoSQL databases have dynamic schema for the data. RDBMS are vertically scalable. NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable. RDBMS are scaled by increasing the hardwares horse-power whereas NoSQL is scaled by enhancing the database servers in the resource pool. RDBMS uses relational i.e. structured query language fro defining and manipulating the data. NoSQL has UnQL i.e. Unstructured Query Language. Examples of Relational database are MyRelational, Oracle, Postgres and MS-SQL. Examples of NoSQL database: MongoDB, BigTable, Cassandra, Hbase, and CouchDb. References Vaish, G. (2013).Getting started with NoSQL. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. Yang, C. (1986).Relational databases. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Police Management Essays Essay Example

Police Management Essays Essay Paul Liedkie Essays The Division of labor in a law enforcement agency is broken up between the officers, sergeants, captains, lieutenants, and chiefs. Officers generally do most of the routine traffic stops and grunt work, while the higher up the ladder the more influential the work is inside the department. The Sergeants also sometimes are in the public doing routine grunt work, but are usually strictly in the department stations. Chiefs seldom become involved in low level policing, staying mostly to the popular crime found in the headlines, only become active in the public when necessary. Normally they are the ones who go to the public, with the discretion of the Media consultant. The Broken Window Theory is the theory that states if there are buildings that appear to be broken or run down, there is more likely to be crime in that area. This is assumed because they believe that people act differently around places that they do not necessarily respect as much. It is thought that people will not communicate with police, or it would be very limited and not helpful. One level of management is Top Level, or the CEOs, Chiefs of Police, and Sheriff’s. They are the top dog of management. We will write a custom essay sample on Police Management Essays specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Police Management Essays specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Police Management Essays specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They are responsible to be in charge of keeping the â€Å"big picture† in mind and focusing on the long term goals of the organization. They are in charge of creating the organizations charter, and enforcing its bylaws. Most of their time is devoted to solving others problems. The next level down from the Top Level is the Middle Management. This is where the Captains and Lieutenants of the department are found. They develop the plans, review reports, make recommendations of the reports, oversee equipment and records, and prepare schedules. They are the link between the First Level and the Top Level of management. They control the ultimate organization of the whole group. At the bottom level are the First Line, who are the Sergeants. They have the responsibility to make sure work is done during the shift. They are the ones closest to the officers in the field and therefore have to keep them in line. They are not always liked by the other officers, but whether they like it or not they have to listen to them because they are in a position of power and can affect the job. They manage line personnel, maintain discipline, perform role call, enforce rules and regulations, and manage field operations.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

My World in Poetry Essays

My World in Poetry Essays My World in Poetry Essay My World in Poetry Essay The significance of this essay: creating a detailed description of me, one that grades cannot portray. Well here I am, Rachel Laura Gibson.Even before I could read, I had a natural curiosity for language, picking up new words easily and using them in surprising ways. For me, words were more than a way to communicate they were a form of art. As I explored the world of words, I began to understand writing as a powerful way to express my emotions. I looked to poetry as a focus to bringing out everything inside my head, every thought that defines me. And so, as I attempt to do the same, I look to poetry once again.Beginning this journey, I enter my room, the sun glowing through my window shades and illuminating the peony walls. I search for my journal, soon discovering a red spiral notebook, with my pen attached. To make sure it still worked, I scribble on the back of the notebook, finding it to be almost out of ink from all the writing it had done; but just enou gh left for me to continue. Finding a comfortable spot, I gently lay across my bed. And so I beginWhen no one else is aroundI think of things I could never sayAs lyrics run through my mindMelodies lingering in my earsI become the girl no one else can seeSomeone who goes beyond stereotypesBeyond imageShe has a perfectly imperfect lifeShe is real, and so are her friendsThe clothes she wears may not be designerBut she likes who she is:Her personalityHer brown skinHer lifeHer smileYetTears stream down her faceAs she dreams of a time, where she wont have to hideWhen acceptance wont matterWhen people wont careBut they doSo there she stays, showing people what they want to seeWaiting to be recognizedWaiting to be me.The waiting has come to an end. My poetry has allowed me to find my voice and let the world see Rachel Gibson; bright, unique, compassionate and with a perspective on the world that not many seventeen-year-olds have. This is a definition of me. I can think of this as a map to m y being, a window to my soul, or a record of my life. No matter which point of view I choose, every poem I have written contains a little piece of me, living and breathing in each line.My goal is to build understanding with my words. I amlooking to have an impact on issues of diversity which have shaped who Iam today. I want to help peopleUnderstandSee anothers viewLearn something newTo understand is to seeBeyond what you can seeTo know how Im feelingLook in my heartSpiritual healingRead between the lines andFind what you seekTo understand is to seeSee beyond meWelcome to my world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

European Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

European Social Policy - Essay Example Ebing-Andersen understands the â€Å"role in society† of social assistance programs as complicit with the principal of â€Å"not to spend or tax†. It is also self-avowedly distancing itself from anything that resembles an institution in the aid of â€Å"creating equality†. These are some of the important dimensions of their position as stated in the conclusion from â€Å"The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. While it should be argued that essential attributes include subsistence, this would entail creating equality and that is unquestionably not one of the concluding marks made by Ebing-Andersen. It remains to be asked, to what extent does the exclusion effect or mediate the interpretation? What is 'neglected' can often and at least, sometimes, be victim of abuse. By systemically neglecting the creation of equality, Ebing-Andersen is a-priori creating a condition under which gender equality becomes likewise an issue that is challenged. Ebing-Andersen: An Overv iew. Within the domain of the published literature about contemporary, social policy theory, many references can be found to Ebing-Andersen's Welfare Reform Theory. Before getting to the kernel of this idea, some remarks will be made on the broader context or background of the seminal 1990 publication. There is a gravitas about welfare that carries with it a weight that is only comparable to health-care. In an age or era when Western governments routinely preside over conditions of a â€Å"welfare deficit†, a consideration of one over-lap with health care is the quantifiable amount of neglect involved that can be attributed to, or said to be caused by poverty? Ebing-Andersen define a welfare-deficit as a system under which: â€Å"the essential welfare contribution to the household is no longer available" [Ebing-Andersen, 1990, p. 49]. Written in 1990, the context or background environment was marked by government cutbacks to social assistance in the United States in particul ar. The rising cost of childcare which by then was 23 percent of the total income for poor people [Ebing-Andersen, 1990, p. 59]. What was then an â€Å"emerging deficit† [Ebing-Andersen, 1990, p. 49] was compounded further by the fact that in the majority of the states at the time, the majority of children from identifiably economically deficient backgrounds, had no access to any type or form of childcare [Ebing-Anderse, 1990, p. 64]. As a preliminary consideration, the impact of the cutbacks with respect to who it effected, has to bear in mind that childcare is unquestionably a burden that is being quantifiably shouldered by women. Ebing-Andersen on Decommodification. Ebing-Andersen goes far in explaining who is burdened under these circumstances with his notion of â€Å"decommodification† or the â€Å"the degree to which individuals, or families, can uphold a socially acceptable standard of living independently of market participation† [Ebing-Andersen, 1990, p . 37]. A commodity in the sense used by Ebing-Andersen is the participation of labor, and thus to decommodify this means to stand outside of the boundaries of â€Å"market participation†. Women who stay at home raising children are unfortunately a good proportion of the individuals accepting social assistance, and being beyond market participat

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Arguing for Legalization of Gay Marriages Essay

Arguing for Legalization of Gay Marriages - Essay Example It is evident that the society and the legal system have undergone enough metamorphosis to be able to expand their definition of civil marriage and family as a union of equals regardless of their gender (Mello 56). Gay couples are people who have made an emotional and moral commitment to love each other, like in any other heterosexual marriage and should be equally legalized. In support of legalization of gay marriage, gay parents can raise emotionally stable children like any other heterosexual couples. This is contradictory to most people who are driven by an assumption that gay parents are incompetent as parents and are unfit for children upbringing. In addition, there s enough evidence that children brought up in gay marriage on average are healthier and sometimes even happier than children brought up by single promiscuous parents. Most anti-gay marriage activists have recently argued that gay marriage should not be legalized in order to preserve the ideal of a basic and traditio nal marriage, opposing evidence has been given since then to proof that same sex does would not disrupt that and that just because same sex marriage is not mentioned, does not mean it does not or should not exist. Socially, there is absolutely no doubt that the common and large numbers of marriages in the society are between a woman and a man, the rest are between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. All the gay marriages in the current world have proofed to be beyond any legal system. They are couples who are living casually ordinary life with an obligation to satisfy each other as partners in life. This is what any general marriage or family entails. Like in most states in the world and in Massachusetts the want to marry is a product of the love, commitment and a want to share a life with each other as it was by a plaintiff. These statements by The Globe helps to convince the society why the society should respect each other want to be with or spend life with whomever they want to, regardless of the sex. This is a point based on â€Å"pathos† Gay marriages are good for children rearing or up bringing. This is a reason why the Globe suggests that it should be legalized. Mello has found out that â€Å"numerous states in the world have affirmed that to deter gay or lesbian marriages from having children is to impose more discrimination on a group of people who have been previously mistreated because of gender†(28). Further, it is quite irrelevant to ban gay marriages based on the quality of their childrearing skills. Marriage is not entirely based on multiplication, and nurturing children and that logically the gay parents are legally allowed to adopt children, even though procreation is not usually a factor in their union. In any case, there are several benefits that children gain from their lesbian or gay parents’ marriage. There are several provisions fro married couples; first, the parents have a generally financially stable level be cause of role sharing. The insurances and leave financial allowances improve the material well being of children in a marriage. There is a provision for social security survivor benefits and inheritance incase the parents die. Gay parents like heterosexual parents are able to pull their resources to provide enough material wants for their children. This further supports what the editors, in The Globe wanted to put across when

Monday, November 18, 2019

How do Senor Flores, Senora Flores and Dr. Jean View this Situation Essay

How do Senor Flores, Senora Flores and Dr. Jean View this Situation from Totally Different Perspectives - Essay Example He also does not want to listen to the advice of Dr. Jean. The Latino’s belief in machismo makes Senor Flores feel offended if he listens to Dr. Jean’s advice. He thinks that his male ego is insulted. The perspective of Senora Flores on Alejandro’s situation is very fatalistic, or what the Latino’s term as fatalism. She feels that she is being punished by God that is why Alejandro is sick. She is suffering from inferiority complex and feels that she is being discriminated at the hospital for being a Latino and not speaking much. She is afraid that Alejandro will be discriminated too in school because he is sickly. Senora Flores feels overburdened by the responsibility of taking care of Alejandro. But at the same time, she believes that her mother should help her take care of Alejandro. She respects her mother, so much so that when she suggested that Alejandro is taken to an espiritista, she blindly followed her although she probably disagrees with her. Dr. Jean’s perspective of Alejandro’s situation is exactly the opposite of the views of the Flores family. She does not totally understand the Latino culture and beliefs; thus, resulting in misunderstandings with them. The first conflict is with regards to time. She dislikes the Flores’ disregard of time. She also feels that just because she is a woman, Senor Flores does not like to listen to her advice. She does not understand why the Flores’ had to consult an espiritista instead of just following her medical advice and give him his medicines. Dr. Jean is an example of a doctor who is quite detached to the family of her patient. She does not realize that it is important for a Latino family that they see some simpatia from their medical provider. Senora Flores chose to consult an espiritista when Alejandro was not getting better probably through the prodding of her mother.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Influences on Peer Groups and Friendships

Influences on Peer Groups and Friendships Peer groups, social competence and friendship. Indicate the relevance or not of the following: Theory, Cultural differences, Age differences, Gender differences and methodological issues. Introduction It has been established that humans are social creatures. It has also been established that humans have an inclination to form social groupings for a myriad of psychological reasons, such as friendship, acceptance, comfort, togetherness and so forth. However, the ways in which these grouping takes place are rather more complex than one might expect. An examination of group development paying particular regard to the effects of age, culture, gender and theoretical bias on the concepts of peer groups, social competence and friendship was embarked upon. An evaluation was conducted of some key research that has attempted to examine and explain much of the core concepts and issues involved in social grouping and development. Group Alignment, Group Development and Group Dynamics Levine et al (1998) indicated that groups were more likely to accommodate new members if there was an established relationship between newcomers and already established members. This was believed to be due to the need to establish socialisation of new members through mentors. The relationship of newcomer to mentor was heavily dependant upon age difference (Levine et al, 1998). Research on socialisation effects conducted by Irons and Moore (1985) revealed that the significance of a mentor in including subjects that were formerly excluded. They suggested that these formerly excluded subjects were people such as women and people of alternate colour (Irons Moore, 1985). It should be noted that the theoretics used by Irons and Moore are based upon patriarchy and racial prejudice. Tuckman (1965) devised five stage theories in group development theory and later with his colleague Tuckman and Jenson (1977) extended this concept further. Forming Potential members align themselves to a group. Storming Members try to influence the group. This creates conflict within the group. Norming Members try to reconcile conflicts. Norms and roles are established. Performing Members perform tasks in accordance to group need. Adjourning Members become distanced from the group and group activities due to the perception that group costs outweigh group benefits. Social Facilitation Zajonc (1965) suggested three important factors in the significance of social groups. The presence of others generates arousal in the subject and stimulates behaviour. Arousal increases the tendency to perform a desired response from the subject. The quality and success of this response is dependant upon the type of task. Zajonc concluded that a dominant response was perceived as being required from the subject within a group. This affected the performance of easy tasks in a positive manner and difficult tasks in a negative manner. Mere Exposure Theory, Evaluation Theory and Distraction/Conflict Theory The idea of mere presence is integral to Zajonc’s findings on social facilitation. That is to say that effects of others as stimuli are dictated to by presence alone. However, others have suggested otherwise. Cottrell (1968), Henchey and Glass (1968), put forward evaluation theory which suggested that the success of social facilitation is dependant upon those who are perceived to be able to evaluate performance. For instance, those in a subjects peer group with certain perceived traits, such as competence, would have either positive or negative effects on the subject’s performance. Put forward by Baron (1986) and Sanders (1981) distraction/conflict theory suggests that the presence of distractive stimuli will effect social facilitation. For instance, the subject will produce social facilitation effects when others, such as friends, create distraction or attentional conflict. Group Roles, Norms and Cohesion Forsyth (1990) Levine and Moreland (1990) suggest that there are three major contributors to the dimension of social groups: Social roles, social norms and group cohesion. Roles a set of expected behaviours that are evaluated by a subjects established group role (established by either formal title or informal appreciation). Norms a set of established rules of conduct defined by the group dynamic. Cohesion the forces that push a group closer together in terms of purpose, attitude and goal (Cartwright Zander, 1960). Using a methodology supporting the idea of biologically predetermined group roles and norms Bales (1958) suggested that group roles and norms were based upon the traditional family dynamic i.e. the elite male role of the breadwinner and the submissive female role of caretaker. Examination of his methodological approach revealed that gender difference was not a predefining factor. Wood and Karten’s (1986) experiments into role performance of cross sex groups, was revaluated by Dovidio et al (1988). It was found amongst men and women who felt equally as competent, that the roles adopted were often similar (Dovidio et al, 1988). The Effects of Group Cohesiveness and Friendship Following on from Cartwright and Zander (1960), Carron et al (1985) suggested that group cohesiveness was comprised of two significant factors: a group’s orientation towards a goal and a group’s orientation towards its social relationships. It was observed by Carron (1985) that goal setting was a much more important part to success than social relationships. He determined that the successful completion of goals would increase self esteem and belief in the roles and norms of a group, whereas social relationships, such as friendship, would be more likely to distract the group from its collective goals. Carron (1982) defined a cohesive group as having a collective identity, a sense of shared purpose and structured patterns of communication (Carron, 1982). These were considered essential elements to the effectiveness of a group’s success and to it‘s cohesion. Collective identity the identity of a group seen in terms of its roles and norms. Sense of shared purpose an understanding of the importance of roles and the goals that they achieve Structured patterns of communication group acknowledgement, understanding, appreciation and communication of each roles needs and requirements. Conclusion The need for social groups drives the subject to undergo many developments in terms of social facilitation. It would seem from our examination that these factors are driven through a variety of factors. From the research we can see that group alignment is dependant upon relationships based upon age difference. It would also appear that group development requires challenges and subsequent reconciliation’s from certain subjects. It also appears that group dynamics are not necessarily composed of culturally or racially defined roles. Rather, it would appear that roles are intrinsic to socially defined goals and needs. The subject within the group would appear to be driven by other members in a way that is not quite as simple as, say, group conformity or peer competitiveness. It would also appear that group success is dependant upon the successful achievement of role defined goals. Furthermore, these role defined goals seem to be effected negatively by intimate individual relationships, such as friendship. In essence, theory, age, gender, culture and methodology are relevant to the way in which we understand peer groups, social competence and friendship and have psychological impact upon the development of social groupings and the very concept of ourselves as social creatures. Bibliography Bales, R, F., (1958) Task roles and social roles in problem-solving groups. In E. E. Maccoby, T.M. Newcomb, E. L. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in Social Psychology (3rd Ed., p. 437-447). New York: Holt. Baron, R, S., (1986) Distraction-conflict theory: Progress and problems. In L, Berkowitz (Ed.) Advances in experimental social psychology. Orlando: Academic Press. Carron, A.V., Widmeyer, W.N., Brawley, L.R. (1985). The development of an instrument to assess cohesion in sport teams: The Group Environment Questionnaire. Journal of Sport Psychology, 7. Carron, A.V. (1982). Cohesiveness in sport groups: Interpretations and considerations. Journal of Sport Psychology, 4. Cartwright, D., Zander, A., (1960) Group Dynamics: Research and Theory. (2nd ed. p. 69-94) Evanston: Row Peterson. Cottrell, N, B., (1968) Performance in the presence of other human beings: Mere presence, audience, and affiliation effects. In E, C., Simmel, R, A, Hoppe, G, A, Milton (Eds.) 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Mahaw, NJ: Erlbaum. Sanders, G, S., (1981) Driven by distraction: An integrative review of social facilitation theory and research. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 17, 227-251. Tuckman, B, W., (1965) Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384-399. Tuckman, B, W., Jenson, M, A., (1977) Stages of small group development revisited. Group and Organisation Studies, 2, 419-427. Wood, W., Karten, S, J., (1986) Sex Differences in interaction style as product of perceived sex differences in competence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 341-347. Zajonc, R, B., (1965) Social Facilitation. Science, 149, 269-274.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

THE MAN :: essays research papers

The Man They Called Danny -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the millions who watched his story unfold, slain reporter Daniel Pearl was a symbol of loss and national grief. To those who knew him, he was much more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Felicity Barringer Sidebar: Why Reporters Risk It Related Site: Wall Street Journal The Daniel Pearl Foundation THE FILE "JOURNALIST1" on my computer, created after the war in Afghanistan began, is a disjointed record of the fears and losses of the last several months. It begins with notes about journalists in Afghanistan and the dangers they face. It was open when the father of John Tipping II, a firefighter who died in the World Trade Center, called to talk about his son for a thumbnail portrait in the New York Times. So it continued with notes about a fireman. The same file was on my screen January 24 when a call came from Steven Goldstein, Dow Jones?s corporate spokesman. He told me that Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal?s South Asia bureau chief, was missing. ?Journalist1?? soon filled with notes about Daniel Pearl?s work and his life and details that reflected the painful uncertainty about his fate. Finally, it recorded the even more painful certainty: Pearl?s death at the hands of Pakistani kidnappers. A videotape sent to the American Embassy a month after his capture showed a knife wound near his heart, evidence of his gruesome execution. The kidnappers then videotaped the mutilation of his body. The prolonged uncertainty, the geopolitical importance of a crime calculated to embarrass Pakistan?s president as he aligned himself with the United States and, finally, the kidnapping?s barbaric conclusion, guaranteed an audience of millions. Many of these became captivated by the man they called ?Danny.? His smile was beguiling, a lighthearted challenge to any person or institution that took itself too seriously. His eclectic embrace of people and ideas led him into journalism, into myriad friendships, into all kinds of music and into marriage with a French citizen whose blithe spirit mirrored his own. It is no surprise that he is better known than the other journalists in the ?Journalist1?? file, better known than John Tipping II and most of those killed on September 11. The country and the world mourned, hard, for the thousands who died that day, and for all that was lost with them. But people did not just mourn Daniel Pearl. They claimed him for their own. When word of Pearl?s death was broadcast on February 21, Vera Katz started scrambling around her home in Venice, Calif.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dengue Fever and Mosquito Repellent Lotion

Dengue is an infection caused by a virus. You can get it if an infected mosquito bites you. It does not spread from person to person. It is a tropical disease and is commonly spread during rainy seasons. In the Philippine, dengue is reported as one of the leading causes of childhood hospitalizations. And even Adults with weak immune system are not safe with this virus. Different researches were already conducted and are still on process to find new ways on how to completely solve this dreadful virus. Some researchers are working on making a vaccine that would immune the body against it.Insect repellent on the other hand are one of the preventive measures that would decrease the risk of getting insect-bourne diseases such as malaria and dengue which are brought about by mosquitos. An insect repellent is a substance applied to skin, clothing, or other surfaces which discourages insects (and arthropods in general) from landing or climbing on that surface. They are commercially sold and used. Mosquito repellent may come in the form of Lotion, Oil, bar, soap, fabric conditioner, spray and the like.Some are chemically made and the others are made out of organic materials that possesses insect repellent properties like Lemon grass, orange and rosemary to name a few. They are all garden plants and most likely available in every garden settings. This study is focused on the use of Calendula officinalis or commonly known as â€Å"Marigold† and Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) in the form of insect repellent lotion, specifically, against the harmful bite of the known specie of mosquito within the genus Aedes, or principally known as Aedes aegypti which are the dengue virus carrier.Why lotion? Lotion is medicated ointment which is spread on the skin(Pharmacology); cream, liquid preparation for beautifying or soothing the skin (Wikipedia English ). Lotion are widely used for cosmetics and even medicinal purposes. Someone can actually wear it throughout the day leavi ng the skin protected from different harmful factors. Skin is the only part of the body that is most vulnerable to mosquito exposure. If a mosquito repellent is applied on skin, it will discourage mosquitos and bugs from landing on it, making the person at low risk of getting the dengue virus.Statement of the Problem The main objective of this investigatory project is to produce an Insect repellent lotion, specifically, Mosquito repellent lotion made from the combination of infused Marigold and rosemary oil mixed with base lotion with the same effectiveness compare to over the counter Mosquito repellent lotion. Specifically it sought to meet the following objectives:To test the effectiveness of Marigold, Rosemary infused Mosquito repellent lotion in terms of:Mosquito repellent effectiveness.Odour †¢Moisturizing effect.Lasting effect ( including the number of mosquito bite after application).Texture on the skin Significance of the studyThere is nothing we can do to stop mosquito from sucking onto their prey. This is their only way of survival. They carry insect Bourne diseases like malaria and dengue virus which are very dangerous once they have passed it to human body. Dengue Symptoms include a high fever, headaches, joint and muscle pain, vomiting, and a rash. In some cases, dengue turns into dengue haemorrhagic fever, which causes bleeding from your nose, gums, or under your skin.It can also become dengue shock syndrome, which causes massive bleeding and shock. These forms of dengue are life-threatening. There is no specific treatment. Most people with dengue recover within 2 weeks. Until then, drinking lots of fluids, resting and taking non-aspirin fever-reducing medicines might help. People with the more severe forms of dengue usually need to go to the hospital and get fluids. In our country, everyone is familiar with this kind of disease. Most of its victims are children from schools or houses from rural to urban places being exposed to mosquito carr ying dengue.It has already taken many lives which might have been prevented if most people were properly oriented bout mosquitos’ behaviour and on how they could destroy and eliminate them for the safety of everyone. There are lots of preventive measures which are effective and safe like using mosquito repellen lotion that makes mosquitoes repel on your skin taking you out from the high risk of dengue infection. The feasibility of plant material specifically â€Å"marigold† and â€Å"rosemary† as an effective Mosquito repellent lotion is safe, easy to prepare, timely and economically.Scope and LimitationThis study is particular with the use and effects of Marigold and Rosemary which are readily available in the community or any part of the country because they are widely use as farm plants or companion plants for growing crops. The investigatory project was done at Pampanga Agricultural College. Tests, experimentations and discussions were under the supervision of PROF. REGINA D. LORIA. Questionnaires were used and answered to get the survey of the effectiveness of the study. Review of Related Literature Extracts from In a Nutshell ‘Marigold' by Jill Rosemary DaviesA popular garden plant, Marigold has been valued for many centuries for its' exceptional healing powers and is particularly remarkable in the treatment of wounds. When used for medicinal purposes, it is commonly referred to as ‘Calendula'. In appearance, Marigold looks like a large yellow or orange coloured daisy, each floret being about ?† (1. 25cm) long. A hardy annual, the plant produces its' bright flowers throughout the summer and the flower heads may grow up to 3†³ (7cm) in diameter. Marigolds' simple fruits are closely curled in the middle of the flower head, almost in the form of a ring.Hence in Germany, its' common name is ringelblume, meaning ringed flower. The plant grows to a height of approximately 20-28†³ (50-70cm). The stem is erect and branched, bearing alternate, light green, lance-shaped leaves and both stem and leaves are covered with fine hair. Marigold is described by some as without a marked scent, but others find its' odour rather heavy, while its' taste is bitter. Calendula officinalis, the botanical name, originates from the Latin word calends (which comes from calare, to call). A History of HealingMarigold has a long history of medicinal use, stretching back to the Roman's and the ancient Greeks, who drank Marigold tea to relieve nervous tension and sleeplessness. It has also been used in cooking, dying cloth and skin care and was a well-known symbol of good luck. Ancient Uses and Folklore Originally a native plant of ancient Egypt, and first introduced into Britain by the Romans, Marigold is one of the earliest cultivated flowers. It was also known to the ancient Greeks, who used it's petals for decoration, to colour foods and cosmetics and as a material dye, in addition to its medicinal uses.An infusi on of the herb was drunk to alleviate the symptoms of nervous tension and to prevent sleepless nights. Marigold has been cultivated in European gardens since about the 12th century. By the 14th century, the plant had become endowed with almost magical powers. A medieval author called Macer, who described Marigold in his Herbal, thought that merely to look at it would improve eyesight and draw out evil ‘humours' from the head:How Marigold can help:Ideal of healing cuts, scrapes, lacerations, surgical wounds and scars, small infected wounds, animal bites and scratches.Useful for skin conditions such as acne, shingles, chickenpox, dermatitis, eczema sores, impetigo spots and other systemic fungal, bacterial and viral conditions.An effective aid to healing minor first degree burns, such as sunburn.Helps to soothe bee, wasp and insect stings.An aid to healing cold sores.An antiseptic remedy for mouth and throat infections.Soothes toothache.Has a wide number of uses in childbirth, i ncluding the healing of episiotomies. Relieves sore nipples in nursing mothers.Ideal for complaints such as candida, leucorrhea and trichomoniasis.A safe remedy for babies' complaints, such as diaper rash or an inflamed navel or penis. †¢Antiseptic action helps speed children's recovery from mumps and measles. †¢A useful remedy for bruises.An excellent treatment for varicose veins and ulcers. (http://www. herbs-hands-healing. co. uk/books/online-books/in-a-nutshell-marigold-calendula-officinalis) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. ) is a common dense, evergreen, aromatic shrub grown in many parts of the world. Historically, rosemary has been used as a medicinal agent to treat renal colic and dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).It has also been used to relieve symptoms caused by respiratory disorders and to stimulate the growth of hair. Traditionally, rosemary has been used for improving memory, and has been a symbol of remembrance and friendship for centuries. In Moroc co, rosemary has been used to treat diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure). The most researched constituents of rosemary are caffeic acid and its derivative rosmarinic acid. These compounds are thought to have antioxidant effects and are being studied as potential therapies for cancer, hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity), and inflammatory conditions.Currently, available studies show some promise for rosemary in the treatment of anxiety/stress (aromatherapy) and alopecia (hair loss). Current cosmetic uses of rosemary include treating cellulite and wrinkles, and normalizing excessive oil secretion of the skin. Germany's Commission E has approved rosemary leaf for treatment of dyspepsia and rosemary oil (used externally) for joint pain and poor circulation. Evidence These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven.Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. Alope cia areata (hair loss): Rosemary oil is reported to increase circulation and possibly promote hair growth in patients with alopecia areata. Additional study is warranted to confirm these findings. Anxiety/stress: Rosemary extract is frequently used in aromatherapy for treatment of a variety of conditions, including anxiety, mood enhancement, alteration of pain perception, and to increase alertness.Early study has shown benefit in reducing stress levels and increasing alertness. More study is needed to draw a firm recommendation. Tradition The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.Abortifacient, air purifier, analgesic (pain reliever), anthelmintic (expels worms), antia ging, antibacterial, anticoagulant (blood-thinning), antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, appetite stimulation, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), baldness, bronchial asthma, cancer prevention, cataracts, colic, dandruff, diaphoretic (promotes sweating), diuretic, drug withdrawal (morphine), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), dyspepsia (upset stomach), gout, hepatoprotection (liver protection), HIV infection, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), hyperglycemia, hypertension (high blood pressure), immunostimulation, inflammation, ischemic heart disease, joint pain, lice, liver cirrhosis, memory enhancement, muscle relaxant (smooth muscle), nerve regeneration, osteoporosis, paralysis, peptic ulcer disease, peripheral vascular disease, photoprotection, poor circulation, preservative, quality of life, renal colic, respiratory disorders, rheumatism, skin care (cosmetic), skin conditions (excessive oil secretion of the skin, cellulite), sperm motility, tonic, wound heali ng, wrinkle preventionCatnip, marigolds, and rosemary are other popular and familiar mosquito repellent plants. These herbs are scented with oils that mosquitoes and other bugs find unattractive. The insects avoid the plants, which hopefully translates to a reduced mosquito population in the immediate area. Catnip is a perennial herb that will come back year after year, while marigolds are annual and must be planted fresh each spring. Rosemary is a tropical plant, and it must be brought indoors during the cooler weather. The mosquito plant was designed by a Dutch botanist, who combined the mosquito repellent properties of citronella with a geranium.The result was a compact, easy to grow indoor/outdoor plant that smells of citronella, yet is ideal for the home garden. The mosquito plant requires full sun and well-drained soil. Like rosemary, it must be brought indoors during the winter, as it cannot tolerate frost and low temperatures. In addition to providing a barrier outdoors in t he garden or patio, mosquito repellent plants can also be turned into a natural bug spray. An individual can pick the leaves, flowers, and stems of the plants and crush them to release the oils. The foliage can then be mixed with alcohol, body oil, or rice vinegar, and applied to the skin. (Piontek A. 2013 What Are the Different Types of Mosquito Repellent Plants?Definition of Terms 1. Marigold-Any of about 30 species of annual herbaceous plants that make up the genus Tagetes in the composite family, native to southwestern North America. -The name also refers to the pot marigold (calendula) and unrelated plants of several families. Marigolds include popular garden ornamentals such as African marigold (T. erecta) and French marigold (T. patula), which have solitary or clustered red, orange, and yellow flowers and usually finely cut leaves. Because the strongly scented leaves discourage insect pests, marigolds are often planted among vegetable crops. 2.Rosemary-Small perennial evergre en shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) of the mint family whose leaves are used to flavour a wide variety of food. -The bush grows 3–7. 5 ft (1–2. 3 m) tall and has short linear leaves that resemble curved pine needles, dark green and shiny above, white beneath. Bluish flowers grow in small clusters. Bees are particularly fond of rosemary. In ancient times rosemary was believed to strengthen memory; in literature and folklore it is an emblem of remembrance and fidelity. Native to the Mediterranean, it has been naturalized throughout Europe and temperate America.  © 2007 Encyclop?dia Britannica, Inc. 3. Virus-Microscopic, simple infectious agent that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and consist of a single-or double-stranded nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein shell called a capsid; some viruses also have an outer envelope composed of lipids and proteins. They vary in shape. The two main classes are RNA viruses (see retrovirus) and DNA viruses. Outside of a living cell, a virus is an inactive particle, but within an appropriate host cell it becomes active, capable of taking over the cell's metabolic machinery for the production of new virus particles (virions). Some animal viruses produce latent infections, in which the virus persists in a quiet state, becoming periodically active in acute episodes, as in the case of the herpes simplex virus.An animal can respond to a viral infection in various ways, including fever, secretion of interferon, and attack by the immune system. Many human diseases, including influenza, the common cold, and AIDS, as well as many economically important plant and animal diseases, are caused by viruses. Successful vaccines have been developed to combat such viral diseases as measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, smallpox, and rubella. Drug therapy is generally not useful in controlling established viral infections, since drugs that inhibit viral d evelopment also inhibit the functions of the host cell. See also adenovirus; arbovirus; bacteriophage; picornavirus; plant virus; poxvirus.Dengue-or breakbone fever or dandy feverInfectious, disabling mosquito-borne fever. Other symptoms include extreme joint pain and stiffness, intense pain behind the eyes, a return of fever after brief pause, and a characteristic rash. Dengue is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, usually A. aegypti, which also carries yellow fever. There are four strains of virus; infection with one type does not confer immunity to the remaining three. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Patients should be isolated during the first three days, when mosquitoes can pick up the disease from them. Prevention relies on mosquito control.Malaria-A serious relapsing infection caused by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium (see plasmodium), transmitted by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Known since before the 5th century BC, it occurs in tropi cal and subtropical regions near swamps. The roles of the mosquito and the parasite were proved in the early 20th century. Annual cases worldwide are estimated at 250 million and deaths at 2 million. Malaria from different Plasmodium species differs in severity, mortality, and geographic distribution. The parasites have an extremely complex life cycle; in one stage they develop synchronously inside red blood cells. Their mass fissions at 48-or 72-hour intervals cause attacks lasting 4–10 hours.Shaking and chills are followed by fever of up to 105  °F (40.  6  °C), with severe headache and then profuse sweating as temperature returns to normal. Patients often have anemia, spleen enlargement, and general weakness. Complications can be fatal. Malaria is diagnosed by detecting the parasites in blood. Quinine was long used to alleviate the fevers. Synthetic drugs, such as chloroquine, destroy the parasites in blood cells, but many strains are now resistant. Carriers of a gen e for a hemoglobinopathy have natural resistance. Malaria prevention requires preventing mosquito bites: eliminating mosquito breeding places and using insecticides or natural predators, window screens, netting, and insect repellent. See also protozoal disease.Mosquito-two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals(hypernym) dipterous insect, two-winged insects, dipteran, dipteron(hyponym) gnat(member-holonym) Culicidae, family Culicidae © 2007 Encyclop?dia Britannica, Inc. 7. Lotion-medicated ointment which is spread on the skin (Pharmacology); cream, liquid preparation for beautifying or soothing the skin Wikipedia English – The Free Encyclopedia. Methodology Collection of Plant Materials Sample plant materials were gathered at Alternative Low Input agricultural System(ALIAS) at Pampanga Agricultural College, Magalang Pampanga.Quality leaves of Marigold and Rosemary were cut from the area to be used for the making of Mosquito repellent. Plant samples were thoroughly washed with distilled water and air dried. Preparation of the Marigold-Rosemary Mosquito Repellent Lotion 20 grams of air dried Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis) and 20 grams of air dried Marigold leaves (Calendula officinalis) were separately diffused using two beakers each containing 100 ml of Mineral oil (one of the processes of extracting Essential oils from plants, known as Oil Diffusion Method. ) with the use of heat source, so as to my experiment I used oil lamp and tripod. Oil solutions obtain from both processes were filtered using filter paper and left alone to cool.To make the obtained oils from the extraction a material that can be used for the application for skin, I used base lotion that would carry out the active components of marigold and rosemary extracts with it, making it a mosquito repellent Lotion. Base lotions are sold on the market. Commercial fragrance free lotions are also possible to be used as base lotion. Extracted oils from the sample plants were gently and slowly added with continuous stirring to a 600 ml Base lotion. After the extracted essential oils and base lotion were completely mixed, they were put to clean containers and were labelled as â€Å" Marigold-Rosemary Mosquito Repellent Lotion† Determination of its Effectiveness.To determine the effectiveness of the Marigold-Rosemary Mosquito Repellent Lotion, volunteers were asked to test the product . Five to ten (5-10) respondents, each will be given Marigold-Rosemary Mosquito Repellent Lotion that they will use for its purpose and a table/questionnaire to be answered by the respondents concerning about the effectiveness of it. The questionnaire comprised the questions pertaining to its; odour; lasting power or time of reapplications; mosquito repellent effects and other relative observations which are not related to its main purpose; its texture as applied to skin; and personal comments. All results and answer will be treated fairly and will be accepted as part of the general result and experiment.Analysis and observation of data will be the main priority. Results and Discussion 1-Very not satisfied/effective2- Not Satisfied/effective3- Satisfied/effective4- Very Satisfied/effective By average: 1-Very not satisfied/effective2- Not Satisfied/effective3- Satisfied/effective4- Very Satisfied/effective The data gathered shows that by average Rosemary-Marigold mosquito repellent Lotion obtained a satisfactory rate with regards to its overall effectiveness. Nine respondents tested the products and by analysing the data- its odor, lasting effect, mosquito repellent effect and Texture to the skin got mean average of ;2. 57, 3. 28, 3. 20 and 3. 11 respectively.Conclusion and RecommendationFrom the light of the findings, data proved that the infusion of Rosemary and Marigold oil to be used as lotion is effective as mosquito repellent. From the overall average it got a satisfactory rate as t o its effectiveness. The statements above are the bases of recommending the following suggestions: 1. Other plants that display the same characteristics of Marigold and Rosemary might also be tested. 2. A comparative test shall be used to distinguish its effects from the commercial products, 3. Laboratory test shall be conducted to accurately determine its potentials. 4. Propagation of marigold and Rosemary shall be considered.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Fire Sermon Analysis Essays

The Fire Sermon Analysis Essays The Fire Sermon Analysis Paper The Fire Sermon Analysis Paper Sofilda Totoni March 3rd, 2011 Lit 216 â€Å"The Fire Sermon† Analysis. This section, and the longest of Elliot’s â€Å"The Waste Land†, depicts poor, gloomy, lethargic scenery in which the themes of lust, sexual ambiguity, moral degradation, spiritual melancholy, abound throughout the poem. The poet himself often embodies the role of ancient and mythological figures to which he alludes in order to strike the readers infatuation. He continually reminds us that beauty, love, passions which was once food for the soul, are turned to slaves of our egoistical, materialistic, relished physical needs. The central character is the poet himself who often takes on the roles of the Fisher King and Tiresias in order to convey his message. The other characters, Actaeon and Dian replaced by Sweeney and Mr. Porter, Thames’s daughters, The clerk and the typist, Queen Elizabeth with her suitor Earl of Leicester;-all these are foil and flat characters who although taken from, and alluded to past, famous literary works, their presence and revelation is to unveil the narrator’s major themes and ideas. These characters are stereotypes or archetypes throughout the work. The scenery and images implied in the work play a major role in describing and interpreting the contextual setting of a pictorial framework. Elliot opens this section with the image of a river in late autumn, or early winter: â€Å"The River’s tent is broke; the last fingers of leaf clutch and sink into the wet bank. the nymphs are departed. Elliot cites here Spencer’s â€Å"Prothalamion† with the line: â€Å"Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song†. He takes us to Spencer’s Thames and ‘bridal song’ that suggests celebrating life and happiness along Thames. He quickly changes scenery and contrasts this setting with the one he’s witnessing. He’s sitting by the Leman-French for Lake Geneva, where he witnesses degradation, elements of the modern world-â€Å"empty bottles, sandwich papers, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends†. Then Elliot starts weeping. His tears are reference to a passage from the Bible, Psalm 137, in which the people of Israel cry by the river as they remember Jerusalem. The image of death and urban decay is further revealed:-â€Å"a cold blast, bones rattle, and a rat creeps through vegetation /dragging its slimy belly on the bank†. The rat symbolizes grossness, filth, moral corruption of the modern world. The rat also illustrates Elliot’s spiritual world; he feels disappointed, belittled â€Å"fishing in the dull canal†, and just like the rat who creeps through trash in search for food, the poet himself is in search for food for the soul, he wants to infiltrate through the rubbish material he is presented, and find the spiritual muse for his further works. Elliot takes on the role of The Fisher King alluding to Jessie L Weston’s â€Å"From Ritual to Romance† and its description of the Grail Legend. The poet also combines the â€Å"Tempest† Shakespeare’s drama elements which are also used in earlier lines of â€Å"The Waste Land† in referral to Grail Legend. Musing upon the king my brother’s wreck/and on the king my father’s death before him. The ill, impotent King Fisher embodied by Elliot, describes the wasteland that stretches before him: -white bodies naked on the low damp ground† and bones scattered in a little dry garret/Rattled by the rat’s foot only, year to year† Once again, the rats appear again to portray a hell setting. Elliot proceeds to the allusion of John Day’s â€Å"The Parliament of Bees† that describes the tale of Actaeon and Diana accordingly referred by â€Å"Sweeney and Mrs. Porter. â€Å"The sound of horns and motors which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring† Later on he alludes to Verlaine’s Parisfal , where Parisfal resisted the seduction of Kundry which in turn as a sign of respect washed his feet paralleling with the adulteress who washed the feet of Christ to be redeemed. It is evident that throughout these lines the love motif becomes apparent and indicative of young, passionate emotions which later on turn to lust and immorality. The next four bizarre lines: Twit twit twit/jug jug jug/ So rudely forc’d Tereu; refer to describe the sound of Philomela as nightingale. Twit, twit twit –seem to recall a bird’s song. It all goes back in† A game of Chess† to the story of the woman who was violated and took her revenge. â€Å"So rudely forc’d† refers to Tereu’s violation. The moral degradation goes on as the narrator takes us to another scene and image description. The â€Å"Unreal City† takes the reader back to London. Mr Eugenides , the Smyrna merchant, carrying a pack of of forbidden mysteries, invites the narrator to luncheon at Cannon Street hotel and a weekend at the Metropole. The narrator then takes on the role of Tiresias, the â€Å"Old man with wrinkled female breasts†. Elliot does it again. He evives, recasts once again mythology as a modern aspect to compare cheap sexual encounters with the pure and noble young love. Tiresias, the blind prophet, ironically sits back and watches the young clerk and typist indulge in sex and lust, looking beyond the potential romance that any relationship carries. â€Å"Endeavors to engage her in caresses †¦flushed and decided , he assaulted at once; Exploring hands encounter no defence; After the passionate sex has been consummated, the young man departs as a stranger creeping up in darkness â€Å"gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit†. The young woman barely notices his departures, showing a gesture of indifference â€Å"Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over†-she feels alone, empty in vague, and lost in confusion-â€Å" Paces about her room again, alone/smoothes her hair with automatic hand, And puts a record on the gramophone† The musicality of the poem takes the poet and the reader to quiet, peaceful and relaxing places:-a public bar in Lower Thames/The pleasant whining of a mandolin/Where fishermen longue at noon/the walls of Magnus Martyr hold inexplicable splendor of Ionian white and gold† The splendor serenity is disrupted by the lamented song of Thames three daughters †Weilalala leia-Wallala leialala†. The poet here takes the theme and the story from Spencer’s Gotterdammerung â€Å"The Rhine daughters†. The three daughters sing and weep about their mournful love stories and betrayals. One of them recalls the promises her lover made â€Å" He wept. He promised â€Å"a new start†. She scornfully recalls and regrets those times with deep shame and embarrassment:- â€Å"I can connect nothing with nothing. The broken fingernails of dirty hands†. Among the Rhine’s daughter’s tragic stories, Elliot recalls and brings back Queen Elizabeth’s and Earl of Leicester relationship which although in reality characterized by a pure and noble-natured relationship, in the poem is depicted as heroic and passionate, thus following the trend of contemporary life. The author again alludes to past authoritative figures by means of irony and parody to whip the social occurrences and trends that ruin such purity and nobility. The poem ends with the references to St Augustine’s Confessions and Buddha’s Fire Sermon which represent the western and eastern asceticism. Just as the title of this section of poem suggests, Buddha warned against surrender to the senses which are â€Å"on fire†. When the disciple becomes purged of passion , he becomes free†-Through metaphor, symbolism, and allusion the sermon thus serves as a lesson preached and delivered to the reader with a strong message: â€Å"Do not surrender to the dangers of youthful lust† Elliot’s style, language and form makes him the father of modernism. His use of irony, satire, dramatic monologues, language slangs and shifts to foreign phrases; the quotations and citations to mythology, Old Testament, historical figures; the intensive notes which are deep and obscure, the musical tones that penetrate the poem;-these and other artistic elements give the poem a disjointed nature but unique at the same time. Citations and References: Elliot’s footnotes Eliot, T. S. (1963). Collected Poems, 1909-1962. New York: Harcourt, Brace World Gish, Nancy (1988). The Waste Land: A Students Companion to the Poem. Boston: The sixth edition of The Norton Anthrology of English Literature. Jennifer Sorensen Emery-Peck â€Å"Tom and Vivien Eliot Do Narrative in Different Voices: Mixing Genres in The Waste Land’s Pub