Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 bases de datos para buscar trabajo en Estados Unidos

Al igual que sucede en otros paà ­ses, en Estados Unidos se obtiene frecuentemente empleo a travà ©s de familiares o amigos que ponen en contacto a la persona interesada en trabajar con el empleador. Ademà ¡s, es comà ºn encontrar trabajo recurriendo a bases de datos especializadas en empleo. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre bases de datos reputadas a la hora de emplear. Ademà ¡s, se informa sobre quià ©nes pueden trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos y quà © empresas o instituciones tienen un rà ©cord notable patrocinando tarjetas de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocidas como green cards, o visas temporales de empleo a trabajadores extranjeros. Tome en cuenta: Bà ºsqueda de empleo en Estados Unidos Si no se tiene un documento para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos (y si no hay otros impedimentos migratorios), debe obtenerse patrocinador. Las empresas e instituciones solo pueden patrocinar si cumplen requisitos estrictos establecidos por las leyes migratorias.  ¿Quà © documentacià ³n requieren los extranjeros para trabajar legalmente en EE.UU.? Es muy importante entender que en Estados Unidos las opciones para que los extranjeros puedan trabajar legalmente està ¡n reguladas por la ley y son bà ¡sicamente: Residencia permanente, que se puede sacar de muchas maneras, incluida por patrocinio laboral y en casos excepcionales de  personas absolutamente brillantes se les permite patrocinarse a ellas mismas.Visas con las que se puede trabajar, como las H, las de intercambio conocidas como J, las O para personas con habilidades especiales u otras.Visa TN para los profesionalistas mexicanosVisas que no permiten trabajar salvo en casos muy particulares, como la F-1 de estudiante.Permisos de trabajo, que no deben confundirse con las visas de trabajo . 10 bases de datos para encontrar trabajo en EE.UU. El siguiente listado incluye 10 bases de datos generalistas de interà ©s tanto para quienes buscan visa o green card, como para quienes ya tienen documentos para trabajar.   1. Permite buscar entre aproximadamente cuarenta millones de ofertas de empleo en todo el mundo, de las que unos siete millones corresponden a Estados Unidos. 2.  Disney. Ofrece diferentes trabajos en distintos paà ­ses, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Canadà ¡, Reino Unido e Irlanda. 3. Mà ¡s de dos mil universidades, casi todas de los Estados Unidos, publicitan en esta pà ¡gina sus ofertas laborales para profesores tanto en colleges de cuatro aà ±os como en community colleges de dos. 4. Oferta empleos para personas bilingà ¼es inglà ©s-espaà ±ol. 5. Esta web permite buscar trabajo internacional, incluido en Estados Unidos, a licenciados universitarios. Ademà ¡s, ofrece programas de prà ¡cticas en empresa, tanto para estudiantes como para recià ©n licenciados. Y en empresas relevantes como ABB o Goldman Sachs. 6. Este es un portal con variaciones en multitud de paà ­ses. La bà ºsqueda se puede hacer por compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, por lugar donde radica el puesto de trabajo que se oferta o por el tipo de empleo que se busca. 7. Un gran mapamundi permite presionar sobre cualquier paà ­s marcado en verde y comenzar la bà ºsqueda de empleo. Hay ofertas en prà ¡cticamente toda Europa, Estados Unidos, Canadà ¡, Latinoamà ©rica, Australia y buena parte de Asia. 8. Aquà ­ se puede buscar trabajo y aplicar directamente con las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as que ofertan empleo. Ademà ¡s, tiene portales propios para ofertas en Canadà ¡ y el Reino Unido. 9.  Naciones Unidas. El portal de la ONU ofrece todas las novedades en empleo en las organizaciones que dependen de esta institucià ³n. Para trabajar en la sede de Nueva York conviene destacar que se podrà ­a disfrutar de la visa G-4, que ofrece grandes ventajas. 10. En esta base de datos se puede realizar la bà ºsqueda por ciudad, compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, profesià ³n o categorà ­as en las que no es infrecuente la contratacià ³n de extranjeros con necesidad de patrocinio de visa, como la ingenierà ­a, software o enseà ±anza. Ademà ¡s, todos los profesionales deberà ­an tener en cuenta la red social LinkedIn a la hora de buscar trabajo, tanto para buscar empresas como para colocar visible un perfil profesional para atraer a posibles empleadores. Asimismo, es recomendable verificar las oportunidades que brindan bases de datos de empleo especialistas en trabajo para latinos, como latpro, ihispano o latinosinhighered, à ©sta à ºltima para empleos en universidades. Los cruceros son tambià ©n una fuente de empleo a tener en cuenta ya que brindan posibilidad de empleo a categorà ­as de trabajos muy distintas e incluso en las menos cualificadas el sueldo bà ¡sico suele ser superior al sueldo mà ­nimo de EE.UU. Varias agencias està ¡n especializadas en seleccionar trabajadores para cruceros, para los que serà ­a posible obtener la visa C1/D para trabajar. Por à ºltimo, para las personas que ya tienen papeles, pueden considerar como carrera las oportunidades que brinda el Ejà ©rcito y tambià ©n las ofertas de empleos en el gobierno federal.   Empresas con rà ©cord de patrocinar green card y visas de trabajo Si se busca una green card por trabajo, un buen lugar para empezar la bà ºsqueda de patrocinador es verificando las 100 empresas que en el à ºltimo aà ±o patrocinaron mà ¡s tarjetas de residencia. Ademà ¡s, hay informacià ³n sobre el nà ºmero de patrocinados, salarios medios brindados y sector.  Debe tener en cuenta que la mayorà ­a son del sector de las tecnologà ­as, pero hay muchos mà ¡s, incluso trabajos para los que no es necesario tener estudios universitarios, algunos muy bien pagados. En cuanto a los patrocinadores de las visas H-1B, para profesionales, estas son las 100 empresas con mayor nà ºmero de patrocinados. Cabe destacar que estas visas son muy codiciadas y que, dependiendo del trabajo, es posible que se tenga que esperar muchos meses para obtener una, o incluso a pesar de tener patrocinador, no obtenerla por no ganar la loterà ­a. Ademà ¡s, existen empresas privadas de colocacià ³n que a cambio de un pago se dedican a encontrar posibles patrocinadores de esta visa para buenos candidatos extranjeros. Algunas de ellas està ¡n especializadas en determinados trabajos, por ejemplo, Randstad es buena para ingenieros y tambià ©n theengineeringjob. En cuanto a las visas H-2A para agricultura y H-2B para trabajos temporeros no agrà ­colas, estos son reclutadores en Mà ©xico para empresas estadounidenses.  Antes de cerrar un acuerdo con un reclutador, debe verificar  si tiene un buen rà ©cord o si en el pasado ha tratado mal o estafado a trabajadores. En las visas H-2A, el mayordomo, es decir, el capataz, con frecuencia es mexicano o centroamericano y pide a su patrono que aà ±o tras aà ±o contrate a personas de sus pueblos o zonas. Aunque con la administracià ³n del Presidente Donald Trump se ha dado un recorte en el nà ºmero de visas O y H-2B que se aprueban cada aà ±o fiscal, las H-2A han experimentado un movimiento contrario, es decir, al alza. Asà ­, en el aà ±o fiscal 2018 se aprobaron un total de 242.762 visas agrà ­colas segà ºn datos del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos, lo que supone un incremento del 146 por ciento en apenas ocho aà ±os. En cuanto a las enfermeras/os, existen agencias de contratacià ³n especialistas en buscar trabajo a este tipo de profesionales extranjeros. Este es un trabajo siempre en gran demanda en los Estados Unidos y, en consonancia, son bien pagados. Los mà ©dicos y los maestros son tambià ©n profesionales en gran demanda. Los maestros suelen ser contratados con visas H-1A, con la J-1 de intercambio mediante agencias autorizadas o incluso patrocinados para una green card.   Las visas de intercambio J-1 son una categorà ­a muy amplia y en muchos de los programas agencias autorizadas brindan servicios de colocacià ³n a los candidatos extranjeros, como es el caso de nià ±eras (au pairs), staff de apoyo para campamentos de verano, trabajo en ONGs de los Estados Unidos, etc. Para los tripulantes y demà ¡s empleados de cruceros que està ¡n interesados en obtener una visa C-1/D, se puede contactar directamente con las empresas, como Royal Caribbean, o tambià ©n se puede realizar la bà ºsqueda a travà ©s de agencias intermediarias, como Cruisehipjobs o uno de estos mà ¡s de 300 reclutadores en 65 paà ­ses.   Consejos para buscar trabajo en los Estados Unidos El primer consejo para buscar con à ©xito trabajo en los Estados Unidos es hacer un buen CV o resumà ©, y una excelente carta de presentacià ³n siguiendo uno de los modelos comunes en los Estados Unidos. Es importante que està © en inglà ©s y sin faltas de ortografà ­a. Ademà ¡s es muy importante personalizar estos documentos segà ºn las caracterà ­sticas de la empresa a la que se le envà ­a. No se debe cometer el error de enviar el mismo a todas. Tambià ©n es importante ser proactivo. Es decir, buscar el mayor nà ºmero de empresas posible, ver quà © buscan y comunicarse con ellas. Por à ºltimo, tener mucho cuidado y evitar problemas con las autoridades migratorias. Cada visa es para lo que es. Por ejemplo, una visa de turista no es para estudiar a tiempo completo  ni tampoco para trabajar, tanto una como otra accià ³n constituyen una violacià ³n migratoria. Tampoco es correcto ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista con el fin de buscar trabajo. Si en algà ºn momento un oficial de Inmigracià ³n sospecha que ese ha sido el caso, se va a tener problemas. Otra cosa distinta es si una vez aquà ­ surge la posibilidad de que una empresa ofrezca una oportunidad de empleo.   La realidad de los salarios Para las personas interesadas, la oportunidad de trabajar o emigrar a Estados Unidos es una gran decisià ³n que, en general, compensa situaciones dolorosas como dejar a familia, amigos y paà ­s para hacer vida en un paà ­s extraà ±o. Entre las razones por las que las que se da el gran salto para trabajar en Estados Unidos està ¡n las mejores condiciones econà ³micas y laborales. Y, por supuesto, que eso es asà ­. Pero no hay que estar ciego a las realidades. Por ejemplo, la vida es mà ¡s cara en Estados Unidos, por lo que a veces no se gana tanto como se cree como demuestra este comparativo salarial de 8 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses distintos. Esto es especialmente verdad en profesiones que pagan poco, como por ejemplo, el salario mà ­nimo  que puede ser insuficiente en las ciudades mà ¡s caras del paà ­s. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que se pagan impuestos federales y estatales y que estos à ºltimos varà ­an grandemente de estado a estado y pueden hacer una gran diferencia en ingresos reales. Por à ºltimo, tener presente que se han dado casos de fraude en ofertas laborales a trabajadores extranjeros, particularmente con las distintas visas de la familia de las H. En estos casos, es posible denunciarlo. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Implement Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care

Unit 4222-207 Implement person centred approaches in health and social care 1.1 Person centred values are guides on how individuals are treated. These values are: * Dignity- supporting individuals to maintain emotional control and supporting individuals with sensitive situations. * Respect- recognising an individual’s sense of worth and importance to others. * Privacy- making sure individuals rights is maintained. * Individuality- recognising an individual as an individual. 1.2 It is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values this is because you then include the individual in activities and allowing them to make choices. People with disabilities should be seen as equal partners and not people†¦show more content†¦For example a carer getting the client to undress themselves rather than the carer doing it for them. This gets the individual involved in the task and it also maximise their independence. The individual will become more confident in themselves as they know they can now do the task. This will make them determined to do other tasks. You encourage the individual by finding out what their personal history is, likes and dislikes. This will play an important part in active participation. By taking the person-centred approach to care means you are looking for ways to meet the individual’s needs and wishes. This is very different to a service approach because you cannot get an individual to fit in if they don’t fit in. By making the individual fit in will make the individual unhappy and the individual may want to fight back because they are not happy. 4.2 Barriers to active participation are: * The carer can lack understanding of the individual’s personal history, health and cognitive status and social abilities. * The carer may view the person as a passive recipient of care who is always dependent on others. * The carer may be not committed to making the active participation approach work. * The carer may lack patience and tenacity when pursuing active participation goals. * The carer may have low expectations of the person’s ability to develop, change and achieve. 5.3 A workers personal views should not influence anShow MoreRelatedUnit 4222-207 Implement Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care (Hsc 026)801 Words   |  4 Pages4222-207 Implement person centred approaches in health and social care (HSC 026) Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support 1) Define person-centred values Treating people as individuals Making sure people have their privacy Making sure people have access to their rights Treating people with dignity and respect Supporting people to be as independent as possible 2) Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values Read MoreAssess the Individual in a Health and Social Care Setting Essay662 Words   |  3 Pagesindividual in a health and social care setting Compare and contrast the range and purpose of different forms of assessment The assessment process is the back bone to any package of care and it is vital that it is personal and appropriate to the individual concerned. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing and Management Clothing and Lifestyle Brands

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Management for Clothing and Lifestyle Brands. Answer: Introduction Bonds clothing is popularly regarded as one of the leading clothing and lifestyle brands in Australia. The organization primarily deals with the manufacture and import of clothing material of men, women as well as kids. Among many existent fashion brands in this part of the world, Bonds can be deemed as one of the best in terms of quality of products as well as popularity. Bonds took the step from national to international recognition when it spread its wings to Jakarta, Indonesia in 2013. In this assignment, the researcher would fundamentally focus on the current market trends evaluating on factors such as growth, profitability and macro environment relating to the renowned Australian clothing organization named as Bonds. This study will also elaborate the concepts about the identification of market segments and influence of the segments in the decision making of the organization along with the discussion on various strengths and weaknesses of the organization. A brief description of industry market and evaluation of current trends. Apparel and clothing industry sales are influenced by few factors such as financial conditions, demographic trends etc. For an individual organization, the current trend in fashion may also play an essential part. The clothing industry in Australia is massive, has enough maturity and is highly fragmented as well. The current trends can be evaluated elaborately taken a few factors into consideration. These factors are discussed in this section (Mapping the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industries cluster, 1999). Evaluation of current trends in terms of growth The market in the clothing and apparel industry has been on the rise in terms of growth. In the present retail based environment, the clothing and apparel market has been regarded as one of the leading booming industries in the world. The production driven approach of the market has changed considerably with passing time towards a more fast fashion approach and realization of consumer needs have been more prolific (Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸can, 2000). Bonds clothing brand of Australia has also grown from strength to strength over the past two decades with the change of approach of the clothing and apparel industry. From more of a conventional style, Bonds clothing has embraced a more transparent buyer-supplier relationship, efficient supply chain management which contributed to the success and growth of the organization (Kim, 2013). Evaluation of current trends in terms of profitability With the ever changing scenario of the business market, the change of approach has raised the bar for customer satisfaction. Along with the customer satisfaction, it has also brought new levels of profitability ("Current Trends in Imaging Evaluation of Chiari Malformations", 2011). Clothing and apparel industry is such a market where growth and profitability walk hand in hand. With the evolution of the former, the latter is entitled to rise as well. As per the Bonds clothing brand, the profitability, and the revenues have significantly risen over the past decade. From being an Australian brand, it has got international recognition as well in the year 2010, when the business step foot in Jakarta, Indonesia. In a nutshell, it can be safely stated that the profitability of the organization has reached a new high in the past two decades (Ayla Ä °Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸gren, 2010). Evaluation of current trends in terms of Macro-environment The macro environment can be regarded as the environmental factors which are not liable to be controlled or are deemed as uncontrollable beyond the grip or influence of the organization. Macro environment constitutes of certain elements. The fundamental factors of the macro environment are demographic, economic, political, cultural, technological, legal and global factors (Pickles, 2006). In the case of Bonds clothing brand of Australia, PESTEL analysis of those factors is elaborated in this section. Political Factors Economic Factors Society factors Technological factors The ending of import quotas favors cost reduction. Fast paced and emerging markets Growing importance of fashion in urban lifestyle Increase in promotion and distribution via different channels of technology Corruption Reduction of cost via globalization Changing consumer habits in Australia Fewer ambiguities in shopping owing to online shopping and promotion. Unexpected political violence Economic crisis Variety of products guaranteed owing to cultural diversities and choices Identification of major market segments and analysis of primary and secondary target markets. Market segmentation is regarded as a significant as well as influential factor in terms of achieving success in the modern day competitive market. In the case of Australia-based clothing brand Bonds, the market segmentation and detailed analysis of the primary and secondary target markets are discussed in this section ("IRS provides more detail on EO market segments", 2002). Bonds clothing and apparel organizations business market is segmented between the clothing products for kids, men as well as women. In the case of men and women, the organization fundamentally targets to attract the age groups belonging to 20 to 40. The organization ensures that within the perimeter of this group, the color barriers are non-existent, and the customers belong to diverse backgrounds as well (Yuasa, 2001). A modern day customer is a flexible man or woman with who can easily fit or adjust in different environments and is not hesitant to pay a hefty chunk of his or her hard earned money for genuine quality clothing. In the case of the kids and baby clothing, Bonds organization also has specialized expertise and quality products. The primary target markets that can be identified and analyzed in the case of Bonds, are the clothing of every variety such as underwear, trackers etc. of men and women ranging from the age group of 20 to 40 years. This age group is the organizations primary target as it is observed via extensive market research that online shopping is most proffered by this age group in this part of the world and Bonds make a hefty chunk of their revenue by online shopping (Dijkstra, 2015). They have their brand stores as well in various parts of Australia, and by conveying a thorough market research analysis it is observed that the sale ratio is much higher in the mentioned age group in case of both the sexes. The secondary target market of Bonds clothing organization can be regarded as the baby clothing section. Different promotional and distributional techniques are used by the organization in order to promote their baby clothing genre in the market. But due to the unquestionable and genuine quality of their products and efficient on time delivery and replacement on damage services; this particular section of the organizations business is also touching new and potentially successful benchmarks (Verde, Irpino, Balzanella, 2016). The identification of the market segmentation along with identification and analysis of the primary and secondary target markets has been possible owing to the extensive market research and conduction of numerous surveys by the Bonds clothing organization. Discussion on the influence of involvement of primary segment in terms of decision making. In terms of decision making, the primary segment of the market segmentation has a fundamental part to play, with reference to Bonds clothing brand based in Australia. The decision making in terms of organizational decisions can be regarded as a potentially future and outcome changing factor in terms of reputation and growth of the business organization. The primary segment of an organization effectively portrays its value in the market. So, the primary segment thus plays a major part in the decision-making in the organization. In Bonds clothing organization, the major decisions are taken by the administrative department considering into account the type of impact that decision can potentially make in the primary segment of the organization (Kang Choi, 2016). For instance, if the organization decides to make some changes in the distribution strategies or promotional strategies, it ensures the fact that those changes would not possibly have a negative effect on the primary section of the organization. Moreover, if some changes are required to be made in the organization, aligned with the ever changing market trends, then it is ensured by the highly authorized administrative department that those changes are made having a positive impact on the primary segment of the organization. The primary segment of the organization has a considerable level of significance in terms of decision making in the organization owing to the fact that as it represents the organization, so the reputation of the primary segment is deemed as an essential factor. Although it should also be taken into consideration that the secondary segment of the organization also constitutes a considerable part of the organization's success. But, if an administrative decision is made in the organization regarding any major changes, then the priority level of the primary segment is at a much higher level than that of the secondary segment. For instance, if Bonds clothing enterprise is conducting a market survey on the television, then the promotion of their primary segment products will be much more influential than the promotion of their secondary segment products (Flores, 2010). As the primary and the secondary segments are identified via extensive market research and analysis, it is necessary that while decision making and conducting other major promotional and distributional activities, the primary segment is given added importance and significance. In this way, it can be stated that the primary segment is essentially involved in the context of decision making in the top business enterprises such as Bonds. Description of the competitive nature in the industry and analysis of organizations place in the market by evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. Competitiveness is the most common trait of the modern era. The scenario is the same in the case of clothing and apparel industries as well. In Australia, there exists numerous clothing brands and Bonds face highly significant and competitive threats to their business (Turgut Gultekin, 2015). Apart from established clothing and apparel business enterprises, competition from various third parties is also existent this could possibly be a reason for the reduction of the organization's sales as well as an increment in the purchase cost of their raw materials. As Bonds clothing expanded to various types of clothing, it faces a breakneck competition from the other competitors who are specialized in that particular market. For instance, Bonds expanded their business to baby clothing and apparel section but faces a stiff competition from the other business enterprises that are specialized in that particular genre. In some cases, the scenario might be a bit more adverse where the competitor s adapt to the ever changing requirements and demands of the customers more quickly, and that may result in loss of a few customers and in turn, net loss in the sales ratio. It should be taken into account that, in order to get a foothold in this cut-throat competitive market, an organization has to constantly come up with new ideas and new promotional and distributional strategies otherwise the organization may face unwanted consequences (Wu, Zilberman, Babcock, 2001). It is often the case that the fundamental competitive factors in the clothing and apparel industry are basically the design of the product, brand image, consumer satisfaction, affordable price, genuine quality of the product, marketing, promotion and distribution of the products, and after sale customer service. In the case of Bonds, there exist some particular products which can be made use of season after season; the clothing and apparel industry in a general point of view can be deemed as subject to rapidly changing trends in fashion and ever-changing customer requirements. A SWOT analysis is conducted in order to determine and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Bonds clothing based in Australia ("Composites industry gets SWOT analysis", 2001). Strengths Clarified target markets. Recognized brand value Clear business plan. All the product items are elaborately promoted and introduced to the customers. Weaknesses Customers cannot see product quality online. High price demands long distance delivery. High time consumption for long distance delivery. Opportunities Region restriction is non-existent. Expansion of market for foreign customers. Comparatively less online shopping options for the Australian customers. Threats Cut throat competition. Loss due to product backlogging. Business strategies can be easily copied. Positioning map for the marketplace In the above figure, a positional map for the marketplace is drawn, with reference to Bonds clothing and apparel business enterprise based in Australia. This positional map constitutes of factors such as price and value of the products, selection of clothing and apparel by the customer in accordance with the current existing trends in fashion and lifestyle, the convenience of the customer and the service provided by the organization (Jewell Barone, 2007). The positional map elaborates few major factors in terms of the clothing and apparel industry. One of those factors involves the fact that based on the selection of the product by the customers, the demand for that particular product would increase, and in turn, the price of that particular product is also liable to increase owing to its high demands. It is also witnessed that if discount policies are applied on any of the products, then it is more likely to be sold than the other products. For instance, a business strategy could be applied that if a product of genuinely high quality cannot be sold owing to its high price tag, then if a discount policy is applied to it, then it is more than likely to be sold. Every clothing and apparel business organization existent in todays modern marketplace applies more or less the same positional theories but, the quality of product and the service provided is often witnessed as the distinguishing factor in these business enterprises. Bonds stands among one of the leading clothing and apparel brands in Australia in terms of both online shopping and conventional shopping and thus it's positioning in the marketplace is also immaculately high, as it sets such high standards in terms of clothing and apparel products (Perera, Khatibi, Navarathna, 2015). Their success is also owing to their diverse collection of products ranging from apparels for men, women, and kids as well. Conclusion It can be easily stated from this assignment, that clothing and apparel industry will continue its significant and ever growing influence on the masses in the future. This sector can be regarded as one of the most lucrative business propositions in the whole wide world. Bonds, a clothing brand based in Australia has achieved a significant amount of growth and success over the past two decades. This huge amount of success is made possible by the extensive market research, evaluation of the ever changing trends in the market, identification of the different market segments along with the evaluation of the primary and secondary market targets and implementation of the right and apt business strategies and state of the art promotional and distributional techniques to become one of the leading clothing brands in Australia. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Getting Started with NoSQL

Questions: 1. Please compile the database model types in chronological order and give a database for each of the model types as an example? 2. Please compare and contrast Relational Databases and NoSQL Databases briefly? Answers: 1: Following are three database model types: Hierarchical databases are organized in the pyramid form which is narrow at the top and broad at the bottom. Similar or related records are grouped together in order to form a high-level record. For e.g. File System Network model is an upside-down tree which has inter-connected network of records. In these type of databases, children are known as members and parents are known as owners. Relational data model has data stored in different tables and each table has a unique identifier which distinguishes each row. They provide more flexibility as compare to hierarchical and network databases. For e.g. Oracle. 2: Relational databases are known as Relational Databases (RDBMS); whereas NoRelational database are known as non-relational or distributed database. Relational databases are based on table structure and No-Relational databases are document-based, key-value pair or graph-based. This means that relational databases represent databases in the form of tables which contains n number of rows of data where as NoSQL databases are collection of key-value pair which does not possess standard schema definitions. This depicts that RDBMS has a pre-defined schema whereas NoSQL databases have dynamic schema for the data. RDBMS are vertically scalable. NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable. RDBMS are scaled by increasing the hardwares horse-power whereas NoSQL is scaled by enhancing the database servers in the resource pool. RDBMS uses relational i.e. structured query language fro defining and manipulating the data. NoSQL has UnQL i.e. Unstructured Query Language. Examples of Relational database are MyRelational, Oracle, Postgres and MS-SQL. Examples of NoSQL database: MongoDB, BigTable, Cassandra, Hbase, and CouchDb. References Vaish, G. (2013).Getting started with NoSQL. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. Yang, C. (1986).Relational databases. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.