Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Journey of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker Essay

travel of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker - Essay ExampleA nonher account of introduction of humans a being is given in the bible which states that man was workd by God and in the true image of God. The scientific and biblical accounts of the human beings have been of confusion to many people as they do not understand which account if the correct. Apart from the origin of the human beings, an other thing that is not well understood is the role of the human beings in the Universe and the proportions into which humans should exercise their roles. In the book, travel of the Universe, Swimme and Tucker put it, eachthing in the Universe exists in a physical and a spiritual dimension and that Universe presents a deep transfiguration exploit (Swimme & Tucker, 2011). They add that truth love and compassion should accommodate amongst the human pecker and should be regarded as divine. Personal Belief rough Existence In my opinion, my deepest beliefs about the existence of humans in encrypted in religion. According the religion that I believe, existence of human beings is explained as the work of God who created a man and put him in the tend of Eden. Then thereafter everything unfolds to order the responsibilities given to man by the creator. One of the major lawsuits that make me believe in this ideology is that the process of creating heaven and the earth was devoted as planned by God and the last step to create man, was more sacred. The first account of creation explains that God created Heaven and Earth by his words. For instance, he said, allow there be light. However, the creation of man took a different dimension whereby God molded many clay and breathed in. After creation, God also said that he created man in his image. This gave human being a special recognition in the Universe. During the second account of the creation, God introduced the man into the Garden of Eden and gave him responsibility of everything that was th ere. In fact, man was given the responsibility of naming all the creatures that were created by God. gay was also given the responsibility for the Garden of Eden and was allowed all the freedom but denied eating the reaping of wisdom. All this story line of creation emphasizes that existence of human beings solely takes a religious dimension. The other explanation of existence such as spiritual and scientific amongst others do not explain almost issues, which I believe are important in human existence. For instance, they dont explain the sacred life of a human being (Swimme & Tucker, 2011). In the scientific explanation of existence, man is told to have evolved from the copycat species and having undergone various steps of evolution, he reached the stage of the current man whose predecessor is Homo sapiens sapiens. In the whole evolution story, the holiness of man is not explained at all. What the entire story gives is that man gained live on after each evolutional phase. Everyb ody in the Universe can witness the specialty of human beings in deeds, beliefs and innovations. thusly to me, any existence story that does not account man as sacred and special creature is wrong. Personal Views on a Human Being and His Roles Having followed the story of creation, I consider myself a erratic creature amongst other creatures. One of the major reasons that give me the pride as a human is that I have the power and wisdom to control other creatures the power that is given to all human beings. That is the reason as to why man was able to tame other creatures now referred to as domestic animals. As a human creature, I can therefore, rear such animals and know their needs in every days life. In addition to that, I have leadership and organizational skill. This

Monday, April 29, 2019

Groupware Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Groupware - Essay ExampleLet us immediately discuss whether implementing a groupware turns out to be a problem for my organization or not. The name of the organization, where I work, is United States Air force. I work in the satellite communication theory department where my job is to negociate wireless radio and satellite systems and equipment keep activities. Some of my other core responsibilities include ensuring compliance with maintenance guidance publications and procedures, inspecting wireless radio/satellite communications activities, employing orbiting communication satellite, line-of-sight, and tropospheric scatter techniques, Inst bothing ground radio, satellite, and telemetry communications equipment, and locating radio frequency interference sources. The organization has recently implemented a groupware to help all departments fulfill their responsibilities in a collaborative manner. If designed and implemented properly, groupware systems are very useful when it com es to bread and butter knowledge management (Frost, 2010).The type of groupware, which has been implemented for use by the company, is management information system. Let us discuss this groupware and its advantages and disadvantages for the company. Information is the key to success of any organization. Management information system means management of the information, which is required to administer different business activities. MIS keeps proper record of all information that is needed to ladder the business activities effectively. The main task of a management information system is to ensure delivery of class information to the intended receivers of the information. In our company, MIS helps us document the collected information, store the information in usurp locations, keep track of the information, and provide required information to the concerned departments. Completeness and relevance are also two of the key aspects of a management information system. The users are prov ided with complete and the

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 72

Case Study ExampleSurveys were disseminated among the stakeholders with multiple questions and a Likert Scale to help in rating the operations within the institution. In order to obtain in-depth information, the stakeholders were interviewed and clarifications do on any aspect pertinent to the current situation. During the interview, the questions asked aimed at accessing the possibility of trouble problem as the main influence on the quality thereof. Further, the process also twisting use of focus groups whereby a lot of information was gathered from a group of 9 workers.The data gathering tools were able to go away proper answers which aided in completion of the case. The workers agreed that the management problem triggered related problems within the operation such as absence of purchasing, inspections design and testing process. Further, the respondents also agreed unanimously that the outmatch management may have caused lack of tractability and quality management records required for improvement of the process. This led to shortsighted quality and stagnation witnessed in improvement.The root cause determined from the case study was poor management. The top management is responsible for the harmonization and control of duties within any institution hence it goes without saying that it had been involved in creating a network of problemsThe inability of the management to adapt quality charge and product tractability is also witnessed within the case study. There was no established preventive or timed maintenance to the point of the management assigning wrong tasks to machines. This led to frequent wear and tear as obvious by the twelve work orders aimed at fixing the machines. The case also states that the plastic was a peck order, leading increased pressure application to ensure fitness (Robert and Richard, 2011). This shows that the

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 141

Assignment ExampleFor instance, the inelegant should develop road and railway networks in the bucolic within the abutting decennium years. Qatari leaders should also ensure that communication networks ar developed with the latest advancements in technology. Qatar also aims at providing employment to the youths through government initiated projects. The next ten years would see an influx in the number of youths in well-paying jobs. Qatar is also a beautiful country with a pleasant climate. This makes it a destination point to several tourists from all over the world. If this continues, then the country will have a stable tourism industry in the next ten years.Qatar depends totally on anoint as a source of its revenue. In as much as the oil reserves cannot be depleted any time soon Qatar should stop its overdependence on oil imports. It should visualize for another avenue to invest. For instance, Qatar should pump in resources in the tourism sector to increase the revenues obta ined from it. Qatar is also alter by food instability. This is because of the desert that occupies the large part of the region. The country would face lots of problems in the next ten years should better ways of practicing irrigation are not implemented.In conclusion, Qatar should make sure its semipolitical stability is maintained in the next ten years. This is because that is the only way it will keep up with the development projects it has initiated. Additionally, Qatari leaders should take caution and not let the wave of unrest bear on some of the Middle East countries crop into

Friday, April 26, 2019

Nascar and Formula One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nascar and Formula mavin - Essay ExampleBut the dickens competitions differ in three key areas, namely, 1 rules and set-up of the competition 2 the technical differences in the material body of turn tail-cars and 3 the reach and fan following of the sport. The following paragraphs will expand on these points. Firstly, Formula One is authorized by the Federation Internationale de lAutomobile (FIA) and is the more than lucrative of the two. But motor-race connoisseurs be in possession of found NASCAR to be more appealing in certain aspects. For example, competition for pole position tends to be more open in a NASCAR race compared to a F1 race. In the latter, whoever starts at the pole position ends up winning the race most times, making the field of competition less-egalitarian than NASCAR. NASCAR is also noted for testing drivers core racing skills, whereas in Formula One, strategies, tactics and other team considerations bear upon the outcome. As a result both these circuits have developed their own niche fan following. NASCAR races are usually 400-500 miles long and are run on oval tracks, whereas Formula One races are run on uniquely constructed circuits and last about 2-3 hrs.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Lab dispersal time Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dispersal time - Lab repute ExampleAnimal activity is one of the primary agents bringing sheds to the surface of the vulgarism and burying them. It is, therefore, a profound factor that affects the seed bank contribution to plant recruitment. Also, Earthworms, among animal species ar recognized as crucial predators and dispersers of seeds.Seed dispersal is the motion of seeds away from the p arnt plant. Plants rely on a soma of vectors (living or nonliving) for dispersal (Murray, 2011). The type of the vector responsible for the dispersal of a particular seed is fit to by the general seed characteristics. Common modes of dispersal include gravity, wind, animal, water and ballistic. A particular seed may be acted upon by more than one vector, depending on the conditions and seed type. Exposed seeds on surfaces of soils are vulnerable to extreme contents of moisture and temperature, thus compromising the viability of seeds. In addition, they are easily detect by predators (Hirsc h, 2012)Researchers have established that secondary dispersal is a critical characteristic that influences seed extract (Lal, 2002). Secondary dispersal can be defined as the movement of seeds across, and into, the soil (Forget, 2005). When seeds are rigid on soil columns, some will penetrate to deeper levels than others, and some will disperse throughout the soil column. In addition to morphology, the role a facilitator species plays affects dispersal. In this case, an earthworm is the facilitator species. The facilitator species activity has a substantial encounter on the soil seed bank dynamics and hence on the possibility of plant recruitment in an ecosystem at large (Allessio, Thomas, & Simpson, 2012).Milkweed, buckthorn, sumac and burdock seeds have different morphological features Milkweed (Asclepias spp.) seeds are shiny, silky seeds which have snow- white fluffs. They are contained in con-shaped seedpods which crack open when dry to disperse the

Dementia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

hallucination - Research Paper ExampleDementia is a condition that affects the nervous system of the individual. It is mainly labeled to be a unsoundness of the old population nevertheless it may occur in the younger age groups as well. Dementia mainly relegates with passing game of memory and the condition deteriorates with time. The functioning of the cerebral hemisphere is affected in this condition and thus the daytime to day performance of the individual greatly suffers as a endpoint of lunacy. Dementia rouse result owing to many underlying pathologies which include Alzheimers disease, Huntingtons disease and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. There is no definitive be cured _or_ healed for this disease but early diagnosis can make a difference. Dementia Dementia is a degenerative neurological disorder. Previously dementia was considered to be a normal part of aging but researches and studies have proved that it is a pathological condition that results from varying illnesses or disorders present in the ashes.As a number of disorders or factors can be responsible for causing dementia,it is better known as a syndrome rather than a disease.It can also present as a clinical sign or symptom of an underlying disorder.Dementia is sudden or spontaneous in fire and progresses with time and age.The risk of onslaught of dementia is most likely at the age of 60 and it is seldom seen before this age.The risk of onset increases with the advancement in age. Dementia seriously affects the emotional behavior and social attitude of the victims of this disorder and sometimes it can also be associated with life threatening consequences. It is a pathological condition of the brain which causes evil of normal mental activity and deterioration of cerebral functions with difficulties in carrying out the routine chores due to reversion of certain areas of brain that maintain and regulate the normal functions of life. The individual suffering from dementia faces memory dis mission and the magnitude of loss is directly related to the severity of the disease. The disease affects the patients in-personity and alters the emotional and social behavior. (Cox, 2007 Jacques & Jackson, 2000) Dementia involves gradual deteriorating changes in the brain of an individual which results in the decline of cerebral functions with time. The patient undergoes these changes for quite a long time before presenting with some solid differences in his or her personality. The patient can present with complaints which include deterioration of memory, decreased rate of performance at any type of work, compromised skills, mismanagement of personal or business affairs, uncertain and unreliable attitude, the decline in social activities, varying moods and delirium. The dementia is dissever into two types depending on the time of its onset. These two types are pre-senile and senile dementia. The two groups differ as the pre-senile dementia is seen in mostly young patients while senile is in much older individuals. Both the disease processes however, follow the same course of development with very little differences in the signs and symptoms shown by the patients suffering from pre-senile or senile dementia (Boon & Davidson, 2006 Jacques & Jackson, 2000). The causes of dementia vary according to the type. Dementia may either be resulting from vascular pathologies which include disease of the small blood vessels, numerous emboli in the vessels or inflammation of the vessels in the brain. degenerative or the inherited type of dementia results due to pathologies which include Alzheimers disease, Huntingtons disease, Wilsons disease, cortical Lewy body disease and mitochondrial encephalopathies. Dementia may also be associated with cancerous conditions. The tumors may spread from distant sites and baksheesh to dementia or there may be tumors originating with the brain itself for example the primary cerebral tumor. Sarcoidosis and four-fold Sclerosis lead to i nflammation and thus they are classified as inflammatory causes of dementia. Trauma can also be an underlying cause of dementia and it may be due to

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Content Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Content Writing - Essay Examplewith the English language and universe a noncitizen to the Western education system, these students do require professional assistance for their edge papers.Thus it took no sequence for us to realize that there desperately existed a need for a quality oriented custom-built research company. Yet, our allegiance to academic and professional standards required us to incorporate certain modified features in our services. Some such salient features areThe writers at ***.com do see to it that each and every term paper is customized as per the customer requirements and while taking into consideration the constraints imposed by the topic, context and formatting style.A Most of the writers serving with ***.com are either serving or retired teachers, meritorious students or the experts having special knowledge in a specific field. Hence they are conversant with the current academic trends and requirements. likewise our writers positively encourage our cus tomers to be open and elaborate with their instructions and concerns. This ensures that every term paper is make to order and strictly in accordance with the customer requirements.A Our seasoned and experienced administrators make it a point to strictly restrict the third party access to customers personal information and identity. Only a select group of our trusted employees is allowed access to the personal data furnished by our customers that is encrypted before being saved. You will be surprised to know that even our writers are never aware of the identity of the customers for whom they skeleton essays and term papers. Any revelation pertaining to the hiring of our essay writing services is an exclusive prerogative left to our customers.A ***coms commitment to furnishing custom written essays and term papers makes it imperative for us to allow our customers an unrestrained access to their order status. Customers having an account with us can login any time and as per their con venience to run their order status, to

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Finance Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finance Analysis - Assignment ExampleThe ships companys debt to total assets and the debt to virtue ratio clearly shows that the company has been keen towards loan finance and currently the companys debt as a percentage to its total has exceeded over 50%. The companys quick ratio portrays a falling trend. This reduction in the quick ratio suggests that the company may face problems in paying of its obligations as they fall due, this can be because of an increase in debt obligation and a reduction in the ability to convert stock into cash (as shown by the inventory turnover ratio).2. Assuming that the share expense for REC company is $30, the companys P/E ratio in the year 2004 would be 15.3 (30/1.96 (Market bell per share/ EPS)). This P/E ratio can be considered to be good with respect to the garb industry, hence it can be deduced that a $30 price per share for the REC company is the best rate for money for an investor (Yahoo Finance, 2011).3. The days due outstanding ratio f or the REC company is 41 days. This collection period is high than the industry average, hence it clearly suggests that the wholesaler would be paid in comparison to the industry trend. As a wholesaler, this would not be amusing and would result in selling shoes to other retailers instead than REC company, who would pay a bit earlier i.e. in line with the industry average of days payable outstanding ratio.4. As a recent college graduate, I would definitely join the company as the company seems to be a good learning prospect. The company operates in two different industries i.e. recreational equipment and habiliment hence it would provide good learning exposure for me. The companys finance department seems to be operating efficiently, considering the financial statements and the ratios prepared by the finance department. The financial statements seem to prepared after considering the relevant accounting and financial standards hence it the seniors

Monday, April 22, 2019

Are women trated differently in the legal system Essay

Are women trated differently in the sub judice system - Essay object lessonAlthough conditions are very much different between these two periods, this particular research will converse arguments why women should not be treated differently in the legal systems. A. Discrimination of women in the past. there are conditions wherein women were treated separately in the legal systems of the past and today. During the 19th century, women were not allowed to vote and were denied of their legal experts to exercise the right to suffrage in the U.S. At that time, women were not treated equally with male counterparts and were subjected to the fond tradition and English common low that denied their rights to vote, own property, keep their own wages, or obtain the commit of their own children. Even the wife of US President, Abigail Adams, took note of this womens condition, and reminded Pres. John Adams in 1776 as she wrote to him, In the new code of laws, remember the ladies and do not put such unlimited power into the pass of the husbands. John Adams replied, I cannot but laugh. Depend upon it, we know better than to repeal our masculine systems (Francis, Roberta, n.d.). This author recalls in her article that the fight to win womens right to vote took 72 age before it was in conclusion acknowledged in the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The heroines of the movement for the constitutional rights, as related in the history, suffered long years of persecution and humiliation but were not moved out of their protests. Accordingly, the specific written guarantee of the 19th Amendment, when won, was the following, The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex (Francis, Roberta, n.d.). This victory of women led to other protests on come along amendments to equal rights to women similar to their first protest, it took many years because of many laws in the workplace and in the beau monde that had categorized women as second class citizens and perpetuated sexuality inequalities. In the past, the proposal of women for equal rights for employment was contradicted by the labor movements on the reason that it was a threat to power structures and also by business interests because of economic costs. 2. Should the current law system be changed in order to treat women equally? This issue is lock very much debated upon today, that even the United Nations took it upon as one of their duties to be responsible of ensuring that it promotes and protect gender equality and women empowerment (Gender Equality, n.d). The U.N. argues that gender-based discriminations are often times permitted by laws, policies and practices of institutions and nations. For instance, in many countries in the midpoint East, women do not have the same rights for inheritance and property and even are not allowed to express in court. According to the writings of J.Arlandson, the sup eriority of men over women was drawn from the rulings of the Islams Quran, which Islam followed to the letter. Wage spreadhead also exists in the U.S. today, as shown in the Pay comeliness information of the National Committee on Pay Equity, which states that women are paid an average of $36,931 in comparison with $47,715 paid to male counterparts. The Pay Equity Information also stated that working women, particularly colored ones, were undervalued due to sex, and race the numerous cases filed in several courts in the US could attest to inequality in

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Discuss and assess the parallels between cold war anti-communism and Essay

Discuss and assess the parallels between cold state of state of war anti-communism and contemporary debates about terrorism and circumvent shelter - Essay Exampleappargonntly aimed at defend human rights by inculcating political sovereignty in the so-called failed states. Apart from a few degage murmurings in the West, these experiments in state-building, humanitarian intervention and policing of wayward nations were neither openly associated to an American empire nor were they label as imperialist. The arrival of George Bush at the White House and the terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001 reveal the role of the U.S. in the global economy. Furthermore, the war on terror that ensued shortly after September 11 seem to own reversed the world order and ignited a debate on the role of the U.S in nurture international peace. The debate presented in this paper argues that the U.S. role seems to have accorded itself the role of maintaining a check on communism (Bamford, 2004 pp 18-47). The paper aims at exploring the analytical and historical value of the connection between terrorism, war, efforts at border protection and the efforts at taming communism and fostering the extension of the American empire. Some of the historical questions that the paper aims to clear include the role that the gelid War played in shaping a domineering American empire. There is also an attempt to analyze how the nature of this empire was affected by the end of the Cold War. Therefore, the paper aims at presenting a comparison between the prevailing conjecture of border protection measures and the war on terror with the origins of the rivalry between capitalism and communism.Researchers have done a critical epitome of several theoretical perspectives that shed more light on the underlying dynamics in the aggravated efforts to fight terrorism in the world.. These perspectives also highlight how these dynamics serve to entrench border protection measures, especially after th e end of the Cold War. The first perspective regards to the theory of realism which emphasizes several motives that are connected to the power, national

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tiebout mi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tiebout mi - Essay ExampleThis case of Sharon and Ron can be ruled using the Troxel v. Granville case where the mother of the clawren Granville got fillet of sole custody of her kidren and had the rights to grant misfortune or agree to custody to a non- call down or refute it. The parent had the indecency to make decisions for his or her children according to the Supreme Court ruling (Sanger 78).Ron was sure that the child Sharon was carrying was not his and hence his quick agreement to waive all his parental rights and be relieved of any child support of the unborn child once it was born. The agreement will not change once the child is born as it was made to be enforced once the child was born. The fact that the court supports Sharon as the biological parent cements the agreement further.The Troxel case ruling made it clear that the Washington State calamity law which granted the non-parents the right to claim custody and visitation of children would not be applied or used agai n. The Supreme Court rule that the parent of the child or children holds the fundamental right everywhere the care, control and even custody of the children and hence would be the one to make decisions approximately any visitation or custody of their children to non-parents (Sanger 87).Any other law that was against or tried to go against the parental liberty towards the custody of their children over that of the non-parents was to be considered unconstitutional and was infringing on the law as well as on the fundamental right of the parent. The standard to be used is that of parental liberty over that of non-parents.The Troxel case does not make any preclusion about the best interests of the children in custody or visitation judicial proceeding between a non-parent and a parent. The ruling of the case simply states that the parent of the children has the liberty to make decisions about the custody or care through visitation of

Visual perception issues involved in traffic accidents Essay

Visual perception issues concern in traffic accidents - Essay ExampleThe sentiency is so well adapted to its purpose that we usually assume that what we perceive are the actual objects (Calvert, 2000)Eyes are the gateway through which electromagnetic beam of light from our surroundings enters the visual system, exciting a flood of information from the distorted, two-dimensional image cast upon the minute cells of the retina. Most of vision takes place in the thought, and this begins in the retina, where the signals from neighboring receivers are compared and a coded message dispatched on the optic nerves to the occipital cortex, behind the ears, where the information is formatted and made available to the processing activities of the brain. The eye is primordially a motion detector, its original purpose when eyes began to evolve from light-sensitive pits in the pre-Cambrian (Calvert, 2000).The act of seeing starts when visual stimuli caput sequentially through the eyes optic s, which are responsible for forming the retinal image the photoreceptors, which sample and pitch over the image into neural signals and two to four retinal neurons, which transform and transmit those signals to the optic nerve and at last to the central visual pathways. Considerable information is lost in these early stages of the process as prove by the close correspondence between the filtering properties of the optics and receptors, and some measures of visual sensitivity (Granrud, 1993)Visual perception & employment accidentsOn the roads of the USA 41,821 individuals were killed and 3.2 million injured during the year 2000. Given the high prevalence of gondola collisions, plenty of research has been conducted to understand the probable causes of such high rate of accidents. Such reports link errors in perception and decision-making as the premier probable cause of the majority of these accidents (Gray, 2004).Sensing the movements of the world and the objects within it is the fundamental job for the visual system. Tasks such as driving a fast automobile down the information superhighway require a good sense of the movements of the driver and other objects on the road ahead (Snowden & Freeman, 2004). To sense such movements require what is known as motion adaptation, which is a change in the motion-detecting cells in the brain that is produced by staring too long at moving objects (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001).Research shows that motion adaptation, even though a very common situation, can put a driver at high fortune for rear-end collisions. When a driver stares at an empty unbent road for too long, it causes a change in his motion detecting brain-cells, leading to motion adaptation (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Keeping ones eyes on the highway ahead may actually present a danger because the brain plays tricks on drivers. These tricks of the brain remember that drivers on the open road often get too close to other cars before spillage (Belchak, 2001).M otion adaptation can have detrimental effects while the driver tries to overtake some other vehicle, all the while focusing intently on the road ahead. Studies show that drivers started passing cars a instalment of a second later after driving five minutes on a straight empty highway than when they drove on a winding country road. This suggests that drivers over-estimate the time they need to pass safely whilst driving faster (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001).Psychologists say that focusing in the road in front of the car for too long can be hazardous due to motion adaptat

Friday, April 19, 2019

Global Communications Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ball-shaped communications - Case Study ExampleInformation provided by debate Street shows that there are issues in the telecommunications industry. This industry is becoming more competitive as freshlyer companies such as cable companies enter into the market. This has brought a challenge to the existing industry attracters to find new ways to keep one step ahead of the new competition coming in.Global chats is one company that is feeling the heat. Their stock has dropped more than 50% in the last three years, from 28% to 11%. Because of this decline the company is now looking at different ways to cut their costs, mount up their technology and their expansion opportunities.The companys leadership group has created a strategic plan they feel forget pass on Global Communications back to the front line of the industry. They have ideas of some new products for their customers and some operate that would put them on the global telecommunication map. Their plan also has cost saving opportunities to permit these ideas without impacting the companys stern line and they will also improve the companys profitability. The plan has been presented to the Board of Directors and they approved the plan. Now the leadership team has to put the plan into action quickly to prevent the company from losing any more profits.There are several issues that Global Communications need to review before they begin to impl... Second, job and salary issues that will affect the employees when strategic plan goes into place. Another issue will be language barriers due to outsourcing to India and Ireland. The be intimate explanations of the companys issues are outlined on Table 1.There are also opportunities that Global Communications should emphasis on when implementing their strategic plan. The first opportunity is to look at the communication gaps that they have between themselves, the employees and the union. The second opportunity they need to focus on is exploring differen t employee retention programs as well as wages programs. Lastly, they need to analysis their unit cost savings and expected profits by outsourcing their technical roar center. The complete explanations of the companys opportunities are outlined on Table 1.Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical DilemmasThe definition of a stakeholder is one who has a share or interest in an enterprise. Stakeholders in a company may include shareholders, directors, management, suppliers, government, employees and the friendship (free dictionary, 2006). Using this definition any individuals that have any type of connection with Global Communication whether they are employees, stockholders, customers, suppliers are stakeholders. These individuals could play a part of the role in implementing the companys strategic plan. The ethical dilemmas that Global Communication could face are listed on Table 2.Frame the Right ProblemThe problem statement for Global Communications so far is Global Communication will be come the worlds most respected leader in the telecommunications industry by providing extraordinary customer service globally and the best

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Examine the key principles related to risk management and discuss its Essay

Examine the key principles related to risk charge and discuss its theory associated with the role of the pass on Scrub Practitioner - Essay Example3).Principally, risks can be managed and excludeed with proper communication between members of the operative team, as well as other clinical teams. The ASP is required to be able to eyeshade unusual occurrences in surgical patients. Surgeons must have clinical privileges to perform surgeries so as to avert risks. ASPs must be on the lookout for risk factors such as surgeries on the wrong patient, medical specialty errors, and performance of the wrong procedure among other risks. ASPs are also expected to have an inspection checklist to be used before surgical procedures and before anesthetizations because of the risky nature of these procedures (Youngberg 2011, p. 343).Principles of risk management associated with the role of ASPs hold pursuing every surgery with accurate precision, following all surgical guidelines to the letter, an d careful documentation of a patients history, physical examination results, and follow up plans. The ASP should assist the surgeon in ensuring that the rest of the surgical team complies to these principles in order to avert risks. ASPs also need to stick to protocols and non take anything for granted so that the chances of risks can be lowered (Osuch & Bonham 1994, p. 272).Rezaei, F, Yarmohammadian, MH, Ferdosi, M & Haghshenas, A 2015, Principles of risk management in surgery departments, Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, vol. 4, no. 3, viewed 1 November

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Role of Testing of Employees as it Relates to the Selection Research Paper

The Role of Testing of Employees as it Relates to the Selection Process - question Paper ExampleAccording to Garrett, use of personality interrogatory in the hiring cultivate supports an employer drive the silk hat employees that fit his or her organization. Generally, Garret maintains that if personality testing is performed effectively, it can very well enable an employer to select the suitable workers that best suit the given type of work (Garrett, 2006). Additionally, pre-employment testing plays a very of the essence(p) role in selection as it helps reduce chances of an employer hiring a potentially dangerous person, a piteous performer, and/or a criminally inclined worker. While statistics cite that, the traditional methods of hiring such as case checks and interviews be still vital, they are largely subjective. However, with the standardized personality testing, benefits are recurrent as this process adds an objective instrument that when utilized to the maximum, it can help do away with or minimize cases of preconception in the process of hiring (Gerald, 1993). Personality tests are variable. As such, they are able to give a prominent variety of results believed to be inaccurate when other modes of employee selection are utilize. Personality testing plays a study role in determining the respective form and content of a principal employee. In pre-employment testing, an employer gets a fundamental opportunity to test employee skills, integrity, handwriting, intelligence quotients, and other crucial characteristics (Garrett, 2006). These are essential to an employer as they help eliminate undesirable candidates. Furthermore, with personality testing, an employer is able to administer tests that assist in telling an employee is lying by measuring the employees honesty, which leads to the predisposition of negative or unruly behaviors such as theft. Indeed, personality testing in employee selection is very vital since it can also help in measur ing comparative performance between and among candidates who appear equally considerable and good on paper. Sometimes back, many companies used to ignore the role played by psychological factors in an organization. As a result, research findings noted that compensation losses increased by a huge margin due to unreimbursed workers costs (Gerald, 1993). This showed that no matter how hard employers stressed on safe work practices, accidents still occurred in the workplace. Nevertheless, with the introduction of personality testing in employee selection, ergonomic analysis point out that lay on the line managers are finding this strategy very effective in ensuring the safe working environment for all employees. As of today, it is turning out that, a huge body of evidence is demonstrating that pre-employment testing or psychological cover song is an efficient tool that enables companies to select the best-suited employees for particular meditates. Based on that fact, it is however very important for risk managers to ensure that the administered tests meet the companies established the criterion for selecting the appropriate employees (Garrett, 2006). Personality testing helps determine the behavior traits of the job applicants. In general, some behavioral and personality traits of the applicants vary widely.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hardware and software Essay Example for Free

Hardw are and parcel EssayAngela and David bring to buy a computer. They plan to use it to take in letters and newsletters, to create a website, to keep the club accounts, to record members of the club, and to detail stockists of tandems in their area. They have neer bought a computer before and have around i 1800 to spend on both ironware and software. Hardware Main Processing Unit The bestow they give be doing on the computer is non the most demanding for a computer, so the specification of it impart non pack to highly high. I would pop the question a fast, bud regain processor, exchangeable a Celeron or Duron.These are cheaper than Pentiums and Athlons and for the tasks Angela and David are carrying out, they give not strike out much difference in performance. A clock speed of 1000-1500Mhz would be sufficient for their drives. On the recollection front, I would press 256Mb of shop, as it is an core that would make Microsoft Windows XP and Office XP run s moothly, and it is similarly the standard destiny for most modern software chopines. The memory will also be useful as it will allow a large turn of events of files, in this case web pages and graphics, to be open at one meter.A motherboard will be studyed, and it will emergency to be compatible with the processor and memory chosen. There will need to be a sound card and a video card, and as they will not be using these to use graphics intensive programs, such as games, I would suggest that they chose a motherboard with these already built in. into the motherboard to keep costs down. It will need to contain some(prenominal) different types of ports.There will need to be around 4 USB ports (for various peripherals, e. g.digital television camera, scanner, printer), a collimate port (for the printer or scanner), two PS2 ports (one each for the keyboard and mouse), and a serial port (some digital cameras unagitated connect his way). This will give them a choice of connection options and extra peripherals. A modem will be postulate to connect to the Internet. I would recommend an internal modem as it takes up less room and does not require plugging into the mains. The modem will need to be a form dial-up modem, not ADSL or cable, as they do not require broadband. The modem will need to be a 56K modem to increase speeds.I would also recommend the V92 standard of 56k modem, which has a faster upload speed than previous standards, so they spend less time uploading their website. An ISP will also be needed. There are many a(prenominal) different ones, precisely I would exhort the use of a free ISP, where you only pay for the calls, as it does not appear that they will be using the Internet to such an extent where a subscription-based unlimited service would work out cheaper. The ISP also needs to have web space for the users, so the Tandem Club website can be uploaded.Freeserve is an moral of an ISP that does this. Input Devices The keyboard and mouse are standard for any Windows computer. In this case, both will need to be connected to the PC via the PS2 port. I would recommend an ergonomic mouse with a scroll wheel, as this aid computer usage a great deal. The keyboard should be comfortable to use for Angela and David, but a normal keyboard should be recommended for them, rather than the peculiarly shaped ergonomic ones, which would be a little awkward to watch for a beginner. I would also recommend a scanner.This will aid them in creating their newsletters and web pages. Photographs of their wheel around rides and social gatherings could be scanned and inserted into their documents. Signatures can also be scanned in. For their usage, I would recommend a plain, low-priced flatcar scanner, as these are very simple to use and will do what they need it to. It does not need to be high definition, just around 600dpi, and it does not need a high colour depth. This is because images on the web are compressed and lose quality, and the images in the newsletters will be small.A digital camera would also be a costly idea as it will allow them to quickly name images into the computer, without going through the trouble of scanning them. They would only require basic functionality from it, so one cost around i 100 would be adequate. Output Devices The monitor is a very important subprogram of the computer set-up as it is the way the user knows what the computer is doing. As Angela and David will be spending quite an a while looking at the monitor, I would recommend a fairly large 17-inch model, as this will make computing easier as it is easier on the eyes and reduced the need for scrolling up and down.Angela and David will need a printer in order to produce unverbalised copies of their documents. I would recommend an inkjet printer, with a fairly high resolution (around 1200dpi) so that they can change between the different resolutions they need. They also need one that is economical to run, which have replac ement cartridges that are inexpensive to replace. Speakers would also be a good idea, as they will open up other uses of the computer in the future, such as digital music, internet browsing, controlling Windows, and multimedia applications.Storage The computer will need a hard depend upon, to shop class all of the data from the various programs on it. For the needs of David and Angela, I would advocate the use of a 40Gb hard drive. This will allow plenty of room for them to store their programs, documents and images. As they are novices, this size of hard drive will take an extremely long time to fill up, if ever, which is good for them as it means they do not have to worry about technical matters inside the computer. In order to install the software that they will need, a CD drive is obligatory.They are quite cheap and I would recommend a 52-speed drive, which means that data is read from it extremely quickly, reducing the time needed. The couple have no need for a DVD drive, as they do not require viewing of DVD Video discs or DVD software. Although floppy disk drives are an old technology, I think that the Williams computer will need one. This will allow them to create backups of their files, providing they are not too large, and it will also allow them to manage images to other members of the Tandem Club. Software Operating System.All computers require an operating system and usually comes pre-installed, and in this instance, I would recommend Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition. This new version is more stable than previous versions, and offers a diffuse help to the user, which will aid them in getting to grips with computing. It also comes with a number of built in applications, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, FrontPage Express (needed for web pages), a number of utilities, such as Disk Defragmenter, and inbuilt games, want Minesweepers. It is also compatible with a large amount of software, equipment and utilities.This costs i 164 alone, but it costs a lot less when pre-installed. Office Suite The Williams need to create several different types of document with their computer, such as letters, newsletters and accounts. Several different types of programmes would be needed to create these, such as word processing and DTP, but these are often bundled together into an social function suite. There are several different ones, such as StarOffice and Lotus SmartSuite, but the one I would recommend is Microsoft Office, in particular, Office XP Standard Edition.This suite contains most of the software David and Angela need Word, a word-processing program, for letters, Excel, a spreadsheet package, for the accounts, and Outlook, a contact management and e-mail program, for keeping the details of club members and tandem stockists. It also contains a good help system, and as it is widely used, there is a lot of documentation in shops and many computer magazines give advice on it, which is helpful if you are havin g difficulty. Microsoft Office XP Standard costs around i300, but if either David or Angela were teachers, or had children in education, they would qualify for the discounted Student and Teacher price. Other Applications In order for David and Angela to create their web pages, they will need to use a web page edit program, such as FrontPage Express, which is bundled with Internet Explorer for free. On the subject of web pages, they will need a program to create graphics, and to process the images received from the scanner or digital camera.I would recommend the leverage of Paint Shop Pro, an image-editing program, which is bundled with Animation Shop, which creates animated graphics for the Internet. Paint Shop Pro can work with scanners, which would be useful in this case, and contains image enhancement, optimisation for the web. This costs i 65 for the version 7, the latest, but I would recommend an older version, such as 6, which will be a little simpler to use, and will carry o ut most of the functions that the newer version does for less money.Version 5 of Paint Shop Pro, although extremely functional, is often given away on the covers of computing magazines for around i 5, so this would be a useful way to save money. In order to create newsletters, a desktop publishing program is needed. There are many different programs of this type, such as Microsoft Publisher, Adobe PageMaker and Greenstreet Publisher. In this case, I would advise the Williams to purchase Microsoft Publisher 2002. It contains wizards and templates to aid in the creation of newsletters, as well as other documents like posters.As it is part of the Microsoft Office XP family, the interface is very similar, so it will be easy to get to grips with if they understand other Office products. This costs around i 100. Health and Safety Angela and David will need to be aware of health and safety issues before using their computer. Set-up Do not force cables into ports hold in cables tidy, neat, and out of the way Do not turn on the electricity before all the cables are in. Usage Organise an electrical safety check at least once a yr Use an adjustable chair with backrest Use a wrist support Take fix breaks from the computer.Position the computer correctly Do not consume food or drink sound a computer. castigate position in seat so arms are horizontal, mouse is in easy reach and eyes are level with top of VDU. Follow instructions on consumables like printer ink and dispose of them correctly. Install a screen filter to protect from eye variate Keep the screen clean with anti-static screen cleaning solution, not polish to reduce glare Adjust position of computer and monitor to reduce glare from lighting Upgrading When upgrading the computer, always turn the power off, be gentle, and take anti-static precautions, e. g. anti-static mat William Neale 11MC.

Monday, April 15, 2019

8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign Essay Example for Free

8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign EssayHere are viii steps you backside follow to keep your advert campaign on track and successful trade research Before you even start thinking about where you might want to give an ad or even what it could hold back like, its important to do at least some introductory research. Even if you arent in a position to bring in an expensive research firm, you john ask your current customers questions about why they come back to you, as well as fetching a close look at your target demographics needs and interests. Budgeting Your business in all likelihood has a bound advertising budget for the year but how do you divvy it up between your different advertising projects? For each(prenominal) project youre planning, you need to be clear on just how frequently money youre willing to spend. Youll almost certainly change exactly how you divide it between be like copy writing and design, but you can treat the overall amount as set in stone. Wr ite it down and put it in your project folder. Setting goals The aims you have in thought for a particular advertising project need to be written down ahead of condemnation. maculation its good to be ambitious, its also important to decide what constitutes a successful advertising campaign for your business. Sales can be the simplest metric if youre advertising a particular product, how m any units will you need to sell to pay for that campaign? Advertising venue The website, tv station, newspaper, radio station, clip or other advertising venue you place your ad with is a crucial decision. Youll need to look at not only the cost of your preferred venues but also whether they reach your target demographic.Ad buys can train up a significant portion of your budget. Deciding on where you will place your ads first tells you how much money youll have left over for real creating your ad. Choosing creatives Unless youre planning to write, hold and design every part of your ad, youll pr obaably need to bring in some help. Finding the right freelancers for each aspect requires checking through portfolios and rates if you can find a business or freelancer who can time lag all aspects of creating your ad, even if that means subcontracting, it can save you a lot of time.Youll also want to make sure that you find any talent youll need for your ad (voice actors for radio, models for photography and so on). Design and style While you may not have a lot of actual writing and designing to do for your ad, during the creation process you will need to review and sign off on different stages of the project. When starting line with a new designer or other creative, make sure that you both know any expectations for timelines and progress checks. Placing the ad Once you have a finished ad in hand, its time to actually place it with your preferred advertising venue.You may have a few contracts to sign and a check to hand over. Youll also want to make sure you actually see your ad at once its run from a newspaper, for instance, youll want to see the tear sheets of pages containing your ad. Evaluation Depending on your ad, how you evaluate it can vary. If it included a coupon, for instance, you can simply count how many customers brought in the coupon. For other ads, you may be simply comparing sales before, during and after your advertising campaign. Spend as much time on analyzing how your advertising campaign worked as you can.That information can point you to more effective uses of advertising in the future. While following such a set process may seem like it would hamper the creativity necessary to put together a new ad, following these steps can actually make it easier. You can minimize confusion and make sure that everyone is meeting the necessary deadlines and you can witness that youll be able to measure your ads actual cost and responses during each step. Youll be discover equipped to tweak your ad or move it to another publication in the fu ture.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Three Year Degree Exception- Petition Letter Essay Example for Free

iii Year Degree Exception- Petition Letter EssayI am a diligent, hardworking schoolchild submitting this petition before you. I wish to move my Masters in Information Technology in the U.S. and I cave in the preliminary eligibility of a Bachelors from Osmania University in India. I have also a stain graduate diploma that I obtained from a professional organization Comp-u-Serve. In India, a school-age child becomes worthy to apply for his Masters soon after he fatten ups the trio stratum rigorous curriculum at Bachelors and this is equivalent to the quartette year degree in the US. I was in the midst of a bollock education from Vivekananda School of PG Studies which is a DOEACC B Level Program, equivalent to Masters In information processing system applications on completion when I came to the US to take up employment at General Electric, since the esteemed offer was too unspoiled an opportunity to miss. I would have completed my Masters in India had it not been f or the wonderful opportunity to come to the US and I gather up the authorities to consider the event that I do have a Bachelors in duty from a University, a Diploma in computer Applications and further formal education at Vivekananda School of Post Graduate Studies that gives me an additional 12 semester hours of character reference as evaluated by CED Evaluations.The education system in India trains a student adequately to pursue a Masters after the three year duration of Bachelors. The course curriculum and number of hours a student has to put in during his Bachelors argon designed to suit this purpose. The student gets an all round thorough cooking in the Major he chooses and there are allied subjects that are given equal importance. one time a student gets his Bachelors he is sufficiently equipped to face the challenges in the course of his Masters, because the three year degree course curriculum is intensive, and calls for an in depth study of the major chosen.It was thi s University degree of Commerce and the computer skills acquired in the course of my diploma that fetched me an excellent employment opportunity in the US. This stands testimony to the fact that the three year University degree given by an Indian University is as good as the four year degree that makes a student eligible for his Masters in the USA.Many deserving students who successfully complete their three year University degree get Campus placements and lucrative employment offers. I became interested in the celestial sphere of Finance in my High School which motivated me to get a University Degree in Commerce. However, securities industry research showed a growing demand for computer products and services and hence I decided to pursue a business related to Computer products. Being a Commerce student I precious to be exposed to Computer Applications first, and that is why I first chose to get a diploma at Comp-u-serve. My motive was to get a systematic training in Information S ystems which would encapable me to offer erratic services and solutions to corporate houses.Hence I decided to take up a job as a Computer Professional to better understand the practical aspects of business. Later, I also joined a Masters program in Computer Applications to enhance my technical knowledge to the fullest the following are the courses that I studied during my training at Vivekananda.1. IT Tools and Applications.2 Business Systems.3 Programming and Problem Solving through C Language .4 Computer Organisation.5 Structured System Analysis Design. I passed three of these but I was coerce to discontinue my studies because I had to come abroad. .Now my unfinished education would get fulfillment only by acquiring admission into a Masters program in the US. The Bachelors of Commerce in my issue is equivalent to Bachelors of Business Administration as evaluated by CED Evaluation. I have had good work experience in the field of Technology because I was a system administrator at Wintech Computers for two age, a Client Service Analyst for two years at GE and an IT consultant for six years at Mascon Global Consulting. The Indian system offers a Bachelors a University degree after three years and that is why I had to take up the three year course. I do have a post graduate diploma in computer applications, a formal education in my mending post Graduate studies in Computer Applications for six months and sufficient related experience. I humbly request you to give weight to these facts and grant me an exception to the four year university degree policy as I have a three year degree.I am confident that I would be able to meet all demands in the course curriculum of my Masters in Information Systems., because I have the grounding as well as motivation to complete the course successfully. I have sanctioned exposure to theoretical knowledge of computers, competent and relevant practical experience in the field, and a complex honing of skills and comprehensiv e knowledge in Computer Applications would only be provided by a Masters .I take care you of my eligibility to pursue this and request you to treat my three year University degree in India as the four year eligibility criteria of the US.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Virtue ethics Essay Example for Free

Virtue morality EssayVirtue ethical motive belongs to the branch of philosophy called morality. Virtue ethics is also a sub branch of normative ethics and it contrasts with disteleology because normative ethics is more concerned ab turn up characteristics of a person rather than the moral duties and laws they must abide, so Natural Moral Law, Kantian ethics and Divine Command ar usually laid-off by Virtue Ethics. This ethical speculation also contrasts with consequentialism e. g. Utilitarianism which is more reduceed on results and outcomes. Virtue ethics was first introduces by Plato and was further developed by Aristotle. Virtue ethics is ground on the focus of characteristics, also known as merits. This means the good character traits an individual has- and the opposite of a virtue (a vice) which are the negatives traits of an individual. Virtue ethics can be seen as an anti-theory because it is not concerned about the theory aspect but rather it is about the practic e of it. In other words Virtue ethics focuses upon what kind of human being you ought to be rather than the actions of a human being.Plato, in his book republic, focused on justices and further on argues that, with his beliefs about the soul, that there is a virtue connected to much(prenominal) part of the soul. These different parts of the soul, are called imperative and it is divided into three parts, with a virtue connected to it. These virtues are the cardinal virtues thus reason and wisdom are one, the human spirit performing thoroughly is paired with courage and destiny which is paired with temperance or otherwise known as reliever (self-control). If we have all these virtues we can obtain justice, the fourth virtue.According to Plato, justice is an important virtue because it balances out the interrelationship between the parts of the soul. There is justice when reason rules over spirit and desires. Wisdom is the familiarity of Forms especially the knowledge of the Form of God, having to know what goodness is itself. The forms are the fixed, unities and unchanging concepts that are ultimately real. This character reference of thinking presupposes both anthropological dualism and ontological dualism. The problems with Plato is that he has based his argument on a equivocal metaphysic cleansing that we cannot prove something we have little to no experience to.The concept about the soul and the priparte are criticised because there is no empirical evidence to support it, it is only logic and reason. A fortiori is the criticism of the preceding(prenominal) soul because there is no solid empirical evidence to support it. Furthermore there is no evidence to support the claim that there are forms, again it is only a concept based on reasoning. Lace Wing presents the argument that even if ontology accepted Virtue Ethics, then it is unclear what the applicative implications are. If Virtue Ethics is an anti-ethical theory then to how would you practice i t?What would you do afterwards? How would knowing these virtues and forms affect you? In the hope of rescuing Virtue Ethics, Aristotle (Platos student) delivers his interpretation of this ethical theory. Aristotle does not necessarily agree into Platos metaphysic, epistemology or ontology but he does agree with Plato that reason is vital to virtues. This is because humans are perspicacious animals and agrees that virtues are vital to human flourishing otherwise known as eudsimonia. hostile Plato, Aristotle believes that there are only two kinds of virtues intellectual virtues and moral virtues.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

People in the film Essay Example for Free

People in the photograph EssayThe worldly concern of the monster involves the use of gadgets. The storm detector was needed to show when to lift the monster on to the roof. later lifting the monster up onto the table and elevating it up through a hole in the roof. It was then take aback by lightning, to bring it to life. The table the monster is position on in the centre of the room this is to coiffe emphasis on him and to show that this is the most important aspect of the film. Dr Frankenstein brings the monster to life. A emit shift is employ on the monster to make him look big and scary, this is shaped due to the bold features of the monster. A mortified angle, which gives the effect that, the consultation atomic number 18 actu eachy watching the table rise. A tracking angle is used to follow the monster up onto the roof entirely when the table is on the roof a low is used, we cant see what is happening on the roof, this creates unpredictability, which creates suspicion and tension.The lighting is used on the monster, this is used to localise the bold features of the face, and this lighting is low lighting. The people appear shocked, amazed and scargond as if they dont know what is happening, this influences the audience to feel the same way also this makes the audience feel insecure also because the television camera angles and enceinte draw us into the film it makes the audience feel the same emotion as the people in the film.When the creature moves its hand a close up shot is used, this is to show that the monster is alive. When this happens the sound make get louder, this is to increase the tension and suspense. The Dr Frankenstein shouts hes alive, its alive, he then shakes around and he is restrained as if he was mad, this creates more tension due to Dr Frankensteins unpredictability and this scares the audience. In the novel we are soft set into the film but in the movie we are straight into the storyline this is due to that it would be boring if we were slowly set into the scene also this is a horror movie so in that location should be no moments where there isnt tension.In the novel and the movie there are differences this is because there are only plastered things that you can do with a book but in a film you can do more for e.g. in a film you have sounds and you can have camera angles to add to suspense and tension. In the novel Dr Frankenstein doubts what he is doing (a moral dilemma) but in the film he is very sore by what he was doing. In the book Frankensteins room is described as a small atomic number 48 lit room but in the movie it is a big tall room with spicy tech equipment. In the novel Dr Frankenstein is not evil and the monster is not really evil but in the film Dr Frankenstein and the monster are perceived as evil.This is because the film is a horror movie. In the novel there are less gadgets (if any) described but in the movie there are many gadgets this is because in a movie the audience want to shocked amazed and interested, these gadgets do all of these things. In the film Frankenstein is perceived as a loner but in the novel he has a loving family and background. This is because if Frankenstein came from a loving family we couldnt see Dr Frankenstein as evil and evil is needed to create a good horror movie. In the novel, he doesnt have an assistant but in the film he does. In the novel the monster is created without anybody there but in the movie there are witnesses to his creation, this is because in the film the director wanted to involve the audience, which makes them scared. James Whale needs to create tension, suspense, and unpredictability to create a good horror movie.He did this by using different lighting and camera angles. He used certain camera angles to put us into the scene such(prenominal) as p.o.v and unyielding shot, this shows where things are and shows whats happening in a certain areas. He used some shots for emphasis such as close up and extreme close up this draws your attention towards something so that you notice it. rough of the shots he used were to involve us in the scene such as low angle, drum roll shot, tracking this is to make us more scared because it makes us sense what we are seeing so therefore its makes us feel mise-en-scene. The lighting that James Whale uses is under lighting, filler lighting and there is flashes of lightning these are all used to create suspense from the same building in different ways.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Tide Rises and the Tide Falls Essay Example for Free

The heave Rises and the Tide Falls screenThe Tide Rises and The Tide Falls is a verse form that is filled with symbolism. I think the tide represents the habitual life history of people, which is continuously being doubleed over and over. Also, the calling of sea in the darkness symbolizes the future demise. The authors tone in this poem is very clear and non emotional, although the overall atmosphere is very no-account and lonely. This poem uses mood to show that death in inevit open and it comes to everyone. The author also wishes to show that death is just another part of life and nature.The poem talks about a traveler who walks overthrow the beach towards town but he will never walk on the shore over again and the tide washes away his footprints. When the author writes The day returns, but nevermore returns the traveler to the shore, and the tide rises and the tide waterfall he conveys that the traveler has died but the sun still rises and the tide still goes in and out. The mood of the poem is accepting and calm. Longfellow is accepting that he, along with everyone else, will die and that its just a part of nature. The theme of The Tide Rises and The Tide Falls is that life continues even though we go through many traumatic events.In the last stanza, the traveler does not come back like before, the tide is still rising and dropping just like before. It is continuing the action just like yesterday, the day before yesterday, and it will repeat in the future. Although people feel like they are going to die or not able to live like before, but when time passes, they live like they never experienced those galled emotions. I think this poem and this theme is sad because erasing from the memory is sad, even if the erased memory is about a painful thing. In the poem, time passes by as the tide rises and falls.Eventually, the sky gets dark and a traveler goes to town. night comes, the sea washes away the travelers footprints in the sand. The morn ing comes, and the traveler does not go back to the shore. The daily life of the sea continues even though the traveler will not be returning. The tide is probably show that life continues as normal even though the traveler is not there the tide is not going to stop just because someone isnt there. The traveler could possibly represent the life of a person. Although we whitethorn leave footprints, over time they are washed

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankenstein’s Monster Essay Example for Free

The Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankensteins Monster EssayThe Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankensteins Monster The technique of bibliotherapy is angiotensin-converting enzyme that can be very beneficial to those struggling with personal identity and confidence issues. It has also been a proven way to aid depressed individuals back to mental stability. But in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, the putz ends up with a poor collection of helpful content. He stumbles upon three works Goethes Sorrows of Werter, Plutarchs Lives, and Miltons Paradise Lost. Upon reading these books, the animal forms a predisposition against his creator Victor and the remain of society who have rejected him. In The Sorrows of Werter, it tells of a man who strives to win the heart of a marital friend but later ends up taking his own life in sorrow and l geniusliness. The casualty that the monster got a hold of this work is just as detrimental to dropping a match into a container of gasoline. This very nov el was infamous for driving hundreds of Europeans to ending their own lives after reading this. Which supports the author why the Creature ends up taking his own life. A more reasonable choice for the Creature to read would be one of the self-help genre.Despite the time period of this story, this type of literature would be close to beneficial to a depressed individual, especially when lacking any sense of direction or leading. Books such(prenominal) as Stop Worrying and Start Living or The End of Rejection would give the monster nudge on how to overcome the feeling of rejection and abandonment. Although some see these works as hoaxes, it would be a further more constructive influence then Goethes. The purpose of Plutarchs classic work Parallel Lives was to nominate qualities within the readers mind.Many believe this is how the monster gains a conscience destinen in the termination of the story. But Plutarch expounds on battles and bloodshed, which reflected a negative effect on the Creatures mindset. If the monster were pursuit to find ethics and morals, it should have read and studied Gods Word. His Scripture is a foundational and innate basis for all of human morality and a divine instruction that every person, or monster, moldiness comprehend to understand the meaning of life and roll in the hay.Reflecting on Miltons Paradise Lost, one could conclude that the Creature has simply taken the wrong point of understand. It associates itself with the character of Satan, obviously an unfavorable connection. If only the monster could view the story with the same outlook that Adam had in the end when faced with the revelation of Christs pardon as a time to come sacrifice. Notwithstanding the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, Adam muted found hope in the redemption Gods Son would bring in the future to mankind.I would still recommend that the Creature read this work the understanding of Christs love and sacrifice in the end despite the unfolding o f deception and transgressions. This may enable the Creature to detention the concept of forgiveness and express it toward its negligent creator. With these various choices in literary works, both modern and classic, one would be able to alter the character of the Creature and even the entirety of the story. Thus going to show the fate of the monster finding the original three works ignited the initial fury and vengeance, which control the Creature on a vendetta throughout the tragic story.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Thomas the Apostle in India Essay Example for Free

doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas the Apostle in India EssayThe show will discuss the debate concerning the arrival of Thomas Apostle to India. Based on the information procurable to researchers, the newspaper will argue that St. Thomas had rattling lived in India. Two distinct theories that present opposing views concerning this military issue will be presented in this paper.One theory argues that Thomas the Apostle had last outed in conspiracy India, while early(a) theory argues that Thomas the Apostle did not come to India. There is also rivalry regarding the place that was visited by the big(p) saint. One group argues that he had bonded in matrimony India while an early(a) group of scholars argue that in actuality he had stayed in the south. The essay will cover variant facts, issues, and debates concerning Thomas the Apostles arrival to India.Malabar, the solid ground where the apostle is give tongue to to have arrived, maintained trade and cultura l contact with the western world. This was the center of the Jewish and Christian settlements, the remain of which jackpot be seen even to twenty-four hours. Mevery Christians decided to stay in Cranganore, a Malabar port, in coif to avoid their harassment by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.This shows that from historical times, Christians showed their li queen regnant for reciprocal ohm Indian neighbourhoods. (Coipuram, 2002) Therefore, it is not surprising that the Naz arne Christ ordered St. Thomas to go the easterly particularly to India and china in order to spread the message of Christianity. St. Thomas arrived in South India in the family 52 AD. (Coipuram, 2002) St. Thomasworked with the Christians as well as the topical anaesthetic community. He was able to impress the people and the magnates done his miracles. At the same time, his acts inspired the orthodox Brahmins of South India to kill him in 72 AD in Mylapore in the present Tamil Nadu, a South Indian state. ( Coipuram, 2002) The remains of the saint were taken to misfire in 8th carbon and later they were sent to Rome. (Coipuram, 2002)It is stated that St. Thomas had constructed seven churches in different parts of Malabar. Christians of the region celebrate several festivals that are connected with the activities of St. Thomas. Many Christian communities came to India from Turkey. In the year 345 AD, about Christians settled in Cranganore. The Christians of the regions are known as the St. Thomas Christians. (Coipuram, 2002)Information regarding the activities of St. Thomas in India is undercoat in the declare guessa Thomae or Acts of Judas Thomas, which is dated to the end of 1st century AD. (Ninnan, n.d) The have got is available in various languages including Syrian, Hellenic, Latin, Armenian, and Ethiopic. According to this book, St. Thomas and other apostles shared the whole world among themselves for the purpose of propagating Christianity. Jesus Christ sold Thomas to Habba n of India who was looking for a carpenter. (Ninnan, n.d) This forced Thomas to accompany Habban to India. Thomas reached the body politic of Gondaphorus where Thomas was asked to build a palace.St. Thomas performed various miracles winning the hearts of many people in India. Consequently, he was able to convert a few Indians. St. Thomas converted the Gondaphorus king, king of Mazdai, a stately lady named Mygdonia, and Tertia, the queen of Mazdai. (Ninnan, n.d) The book Acta Thomae also states that the apostle became an apostle outside the city of the kingdom as he was killed by four soldiers. (Ninnan, n.d) The book reveals that St. Thomas had arrived and stayed in India. (Ninnan, n.d)There are many local traditions that claim that St. Thomas had arrived and stayed in South India. Such traditions are constitute in the deeds such as Songs of Nazranis, Thomma Parvam (1601 AD), and Veeradian Pattu. (Ninnan, n.d.) The local traditions claim that St. Thomas had stayed in Cranganore a nd converted the local people into Christianity. It is said that during the initial years of the stay of St. Thomas in Cranganore, he converted the Jewish settlers in the region. (Ninnan, n.d) In the next phase, he converted 75 Brahmin families and 3000 others, who were obviously impressed by his miracles. (Ninnan, n.d.)The South Indian connection of St. Thomas is testifyd by the theory that due to the discovery of Hippalus wind in 45 AD, many westerners used to journey from Yemen directly to the Malabar Coast. (Ninnan, n.d.) Therefore, it is suggested that Thomas had stayed in the Malabar region. Apart from this theory and local traditions, there are no other strong evidences to state that St.Thomas had actually stayed in South India. St. Thomass stay and death in North India is mentioned in the ancient Syrian texts. There are archaeological and literary evidences to state that the king of Gondaphorus had maintained contact with Christian saints and that he was finally converted to Christianity. (Ninnan, n.d.) Nevertheless, it is not important whether St. Thomas had stayed in North India or South India.The Gospel of Thomas, an apocryphal book, gives information pertaining to the work of St. Thomas in India. This book was not given much importance by the church authorities as it was deliberated that the book had undermined the teachings of Jesus, save researchers do not accept such allegations as this book does not contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Gjorgjievski, 2001, p. 1)The book the Gospel of Thomas mentions that since St. Thomas refused to go to India, he was compelled by Jesus Christ to go to the East by selling Thomas to Abban, an envoy of the king Gundaphor. (Gjorgjievski, 2001, p. 1) It is stated that after coming to India, the apostle, instead of constructing a palace as he was asked by the king, distributed the money among the poor, which enraged the king who imprisoned the saint. (Gjorgjievski, 2001, p. 1) Eventually, the king realize d the divine power of the saint and reliable Christianity. The evidence of this book also shows that St. Thomas had come to North India although South Indians claim that he had stayed in South India. (Gjorgjievski, 2001, p. 1)There are two phases of Thomass activities in India. In the first phase, he taught the Parthians ruled by the famous king Gondaphares who lived during 1st century AD. (Medlycott n.d.) In the earliest ecclesiastical writings, one gets the information pertaining to the first phase of the stay of Thomas in India. During the second phase, he seems to have visited South India. (Medlycott n.d.) This is because it is widely believed that St. Thomas died in Mylapore and his tomb could be found in this city although later his body remains were taken to Turkey. (Medlycott n.d.)This is proved by the evidences provided by various scholars who visited this region from the early years of Christian era to the Portuguese period. The Portuguese scholars have mentioned the exis tence of Christian traditions in Mylapore. (Medlycott n.d.) Therefore, this study has presented an eclectic view concerning the place where St. Thomas lived. The study shows that St. Thomas lived two in western India as well as in South India. (Medlycott, n.d.)Evidences regarding St. Thomas are available in the works of Syrian writers, liturgical books and calendars of the Syrian Church, works of the fathers belonging to western church, works of fathers belonging to Greek and Abyssinian churches. (Medlycott, n.d.) The study of Prof. Carl Schmidt regarding the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles has proved the authenticity of apocryphal works that describe the activities of St. Thomas in India. (Medlycott n.d.) Therefore, without any doubt one may accept the ancient Syrian and Latin works that describe the stay of St. Thomas in India. (Medlycott, n.d.)In ancient but revised Syriac work, The Teaching of the Apostles, it is mentioned that St. Thomas the apostle had actually lived in India . St. Thomas, who was also called Didymus was invited by Jesus to become his apostle and spread the message of Christianity in the east. (Jesuvera, 2006) The St. Thomas feast day is celebrated in the Malabar on July 3rd every year. (Jesuvera, 2006)The Christians theologians believe that St. Thomas had preached to the people such as Parthians, Medes, Persians, Bactrians, Margians, and South Indians. (Jesuvera, 2006) In the work, Assumption of Mary, a work belonging to 400 AD, there is indication to St. Thomas of India staying near the body of Virgin Mary on the day of her body assumption. (Jesuvera, 2006) Evidences concerning Thomas apostles life in India are found in Syrian Christian literature and traditions found in India. (Jesuvera, 2006)With the arrival of the European missionaries to India after 16th century, many Europeans were informed that in India there existed a Christian community called St. Thomas Christians. Based on this, it was suggested that St. Thomas had really st ayed in India and convinced a few Indians to accept Christianity. (Sharan, n.d.) Contrary to this belief, it is argued that the Christian communities of Kerala were given the name only after 14th carbon with the arrival of the European missionaries to Malabar. (Sharan, n.d.) It is argued that this Christian community was actually called Syrian Christians and not St. Thomas Christians. (Sharan, n.d.)It is argued that Europeans propagated the myth of St. Thomas in order to achieve the political and religious agendas of converting India as a part of European or British imperialism and to convert large numbers of Indians into Christianity. (Sharan, n.d.) To support this argument, correspondence of Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan who was satisfied with the fact that evidence existed to prove that St. Thomas had stayed in India. (Sharan, n.d.)It is argued that based on inaccurate evidences or hagiographies one cannot suggest that St. Thomas had lived and died in India. (Sharan, n.d.) It has been argued that St. Thomas neer came to India. In reality, Christianity was established in India for the time in 345 AD by a merchant called Thomas Cananeus. (Sharan, n.d.) Based on similarity of names, it has been suggested that St. Thomas had come to India and established Christianity in South India. (Sharan, n.d.)Traditions related to Thomas are found not only in India but also other countries of the orient such as Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Brazil, and Mexico. (Merrilat, 1977) This shows that many oriental countries have constructed their own myths concerning the arrival of St. Thomas to their land and introducing Christianity. Therefore, there is need for strong evidences to accept the belief that St. Thomas actually lived and died in India.Recently, a controversy has been created when the pope Benedict XVI suggested that St. Thomas had come to Western India. Implicitly, this statement has negated the assumption that the apostle had come to South India. (Pope denies, n.d.) This statement also shows that the pope accepts the fact that St. Thomas had stayed in India although this statement has hurt the sentiments of the Christians of Kerala who strongly believe that St. Thomas had come to the Malabar region in the 1st century AD. (Pope denies, n.d.)The statement of the pope also shows that the apostle had actually come to North India and not to South India. This statement has been used by the scholars to suggest that St. Thomas had never stayed in India. The scholars, who refused to accept that St. Thomas had visited the present India, argue that he had actually visited the regions of Pakistan. (Pope denies, n.d.) This statement cannot be accepted because as already mentioned, there are many evidences showing that St. Thomas had actually lived in some parts of India. Most of the predecessors of the present pope had accepted that St. Thomas was an apostle of India. (Pope denies, n.d.)The church sources do not defy that St. Thomas had lived in India. Th e debate is regarding whether the apostle had stayed in North India or in South India. Already it has been mentioned that works such as Gospel of St. Thomas and Act of Thomas refer to the work of St. Thomas in India. The statement made by the pope has created controversy among the Christians of Kerala as a few churches in the region are dedicated to the memory of St. Thomas. (Pope denies, n.d.)In conclusion, there are sufficient evidences ancient, medieval, and modern to suggest that St. Thomas had actually lived and died in India. During the first phase of his stay in India he worked in Western India with the king Gondaphares. During the second phase, he visited South India and spread Christianity in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The saints tomb can be found in Mylapore although later his remains were taken to Turkey and eventually to Rome. Thus, he lived both in North India as well as South India. The books such Gospel of St. Thomas and Act of Thomas describe the various events related to the life of St. Thomas when he stayed in India. Therefore, there are solid evidences to assert that St. Thomas lived and died in India.ReferencesGjorgjievski, B.T. (2001). On the Gospel of Thomas. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from the electronic networksite http//darktreasures.com/Strangelore/Stuff/on-thomas.pdfJesuvera. (2006). gap of St. Thomas Apostle to India. Konkani Catholics Blog. RetrievedApril 10, 2007, from the web site http//www.konkanicatholics.com/Medlycott, A.E. (n.d.). India and the Apostle Thomas. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from the website http//www.indianchristianity.com/html/chap4/chapter4b.htmMerrilat, H.C. (1997). The Gnostic Apostle Thomas. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from the web sitehttp//members.aol.com/didymus5/intro.htmlNinnan, M.M. (n.d.). tale of St. Thomas Apostle and St. Thomas Churches of India A Short History. Retrieved April 12, 2007, from the web sitehttp//www.acns.com/mm9n/marthoma/marthoma.htmPope denies St. Thomas came to South India. Retrieve d April 10, 2007, from the web sitehttp//www.hamsa.org/index.htmSharan, I. (n.d.). The myth of St. Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva temple. Retrieved April 10,2007, from the web site http//www.hamsa.org/01.htm

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Counseling Ethics Essay Example for Free

Counseling Ethics EssayEthics be based on philosophical principles and these guidelines assist a practician in making the best likely decisions for the welfare of the leaf nodes and the practitioner himself. Ethics are normative or critical in personality and strike human conduct and moral decision. Morality describes decision making and judgement by an individual concerning an accomp whatevering or human behaviour. This is greatly influenced by the value he or she has acquired or formed as a result of external influence or indoctrination. Value is an enduring belief that a particularized that a specific end-state of conduct is desirable (McLeod, 1998). Terminal and instrumental values are two types of values where the former refer to the desired end-state of existence, for showcase wisdom and the later refer to the mode of conduct that leads to it, for example broad-mindedness .Values then influence and determine the decisions we choose to make in our daily lives.In p roviding an effective, therapeutic therapy, a practitioner sustaining a customer encountering dilemma in decision- making may adopt the eight-spot step frame draw approach to think through the ethical hassles (Corey, Corey C exclusivelyanan, 2007). The steps of the model are depict as follows timbre 1- Identify the problem or dilemma.In the first step the existence of the problem essential be recognised. The nature of the problem has to be ascertained. Identify if it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional or clinical problem. The practitioners and the clients insights regarding the problem essentialiness be examined. Consultation with the client can undertake at this stage as problems are being identified. Looking at the problem from contrastive perspectives is serviceable as most ethical dilemmas are complex.Step 2 Identify the potential issues involved.From the collected information, distant ones must be discarded. The critical issues must be noned and descr ibed. The welfare of those involved their rights and responsibilities must be mensurated. Ethical principles relevant to the problem must be identified and examined with the client. In doing so the moral principles namely, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, judge and fidelity must be projected and applied to thesituation. The safety and welfare of the client and practitioner cannot be compromised slice potential issues are being sorted out.Step 3- Review the relevant ethics codes.The practitioner must want instruction that can be found from the professional codes of ethics. They provide a basis for accountability, and through their enforcement, provide protection for clients from unethical practices (Corey, 1997). Practitioner must also examine the agreeability of his values with the relevant codes. Should they be in conflict, he must have a rationale to support his stance. It is essential to consider congruency of these values and ethics with those of the clients. The pr actitioner must jibe clarity of the ethical codes and if they are relevant with the state laws of the region.Step 4- Know the applicable laws and regulations.The practitioner should be up to date with the specific and relevant laws that apply to the ethical issue. This is particularly critical in situations which deal with charge or breaching of confidentiality, reporting of baby or elder abuse, record keeping, assessment, diagnosis, issues pertaining to dangers to self or others and the grounds of malpractice.Step 5- Obtain consultation.Consulting with colleagues to obtain different perspectives on the problems is generally considered to be helpful. Seeking legal counsel for legal questions is prudent along with consulting a person with an expertise in an unfamiliar culture to serve a client from that culture. In summing up the practitioner must understand current rules and regulations of the agency or organization that he or she is works for. It is wise for the nature of the consultation and suggestions provided to be documented. These records would illustrate the practitioners attempt to adhere to the biotic communitys standard practice.Step 6- Consider possible and probable manakins of action.At this point a angle of a variety of courses of action may be identifiedthrough brainstorming. The practitioner could discuss with the client as well as other professionals the available options. The possibilities could be identified for probable courses of actions and these should be documented.Step 7- Enumerate the consequences of various decisions.From the various possible courses of actions, implications of each course must be examined. The questions of who will be affected and to what extent will the clients decision to pursue the actions affect them must be on the lookoutly examined. Again using the fundamental moral principles as a framework, the client must get together with the practitioner to ascertain the probable outcomes and consequences. If ne w ethical issues arise from the selected course of action, a re-evaluation of the action must be pursued.Step 8- Decide on what appears to be the best course of action.Careful consideration of all information received from different sources deliberately and with sensitivity to cross cultural issues is critical before making the best decision. Once making the decision, informing the supervisor, implementing and documenting the decision follows. Reflecting on the experience considering any follow up action could result in finding a solution for the client.While the procedural steps may help in resolving ethical matters, some implications may be noted. Firstly, the client enters a cooperative human relationship with the practitioner. The implication is that the client with the practitioners help must draw out the expatiate of the problem. This implicates that the client should refrain from coveting relevant information to enable an accurate analysis of the issue. This is to ascertai n the true nature of the problem whether it is an ethical, legal, moral, professional, or clinical one. The different perspectives of the problem must be explored. What are the insights the client and practitioner have regarding the problem? (Corey et al., 2007). Failing which the consequence is an unnecessary delay in resolving the problem as there will be an inaccurate analysis of the situation.Secondly, in identifying the potential issues, all the persons involved in the problem must be identified. The implication of failing to identify any one individual who may be affected by the decision of the client would be unethical. The welfare, rights and responsibilities of those affected by the decision top executive create a different set of problems. The decision would then have to be reversed and a new course of action would have to be pursued. It is to therefore necessary to explore to what extent the course of the action will affect the client and the others (Corey et al., 2007). Next the values and ethics of the client and the practitioner must be evaluated and the degree of congruency noted. This implicates that the relevant ethical principles that are identified to the problem should not be in conflict with those of the client and the practitioner. If there are disagreements, then they must be supported with a rationale. If necessary, guidance must be sought from the relevant organization to clarify the professional codes to the particular problem. Otherwise consequently, the clients decision may violate the ethical codes relevant to the issue.The client must be inform of the relevant and most recent laws or regulations that apply to the situation. He must look out for any law or regulations that have a bearing on the situation. The implication of his ignorance is that he may be active into problems with the law. The practitioner too must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the workplace. When in doubt practitioner must seek professional adv ice. The client must be informed of legal issues related to confidentiality, abuse of the vulnerable, record keeping and grounds for malpractice. If the practitioner discovers a criminal act by a client for example, sex with an under-aged daughter he has the moral responsibility to report him. The practitioner has the ethical responsibility to discuss with the client on the implications of his actions before reporting the incident. The client must understand the implications of his actions that violate the law.The fundamental moral principles may be considered as framework for evaluating the consequences of the given course of action. The client mustdecide the principles that apply to the situation specifically and prioritise them. By thinking through these ethical principles, professional can better evaluate their options in such complex situations. Prioritising the principles can help the client and practitioner to work through the steps of the decision-making model (Elizabeth, 2 010). There are implications however when prioritizing one over another. The practitioner encourages the client to exercise autonomy i.e. making a free choice. In doing so, the client must have the concept of doing no misuse or non-maleficence and acting in justice (Elizabeth, 2010). Conflict can arise when subscribing to justice which may result in the necessity of treating an individual differently. Though not easy to apply equal weightage to all the principles, it will help to explore an ethical dilemma and resolve it with the least damage to the welfare of those affected.The model may be serviceable when clients seek help in making decisions in their life regarding relationship issues. A client may be caught in a loveless marriage and be involved in an extra-marital mapping and seek advice to take the next step in his life. The dilemma of whether to dissolve his marriage and move on with his life or stay in the marriage to fulfil his duties towards his wife and children is on e that needs careful consideration. A divorce would mean breaking up of his family and causing a disruption in the relationship with his children. Staying in the marriage would mean the sacrifice of his love life. Analysing his situation using the model can cast off light to clarify the implications of his actions and weigh the consequences.The model may help clients to make decisions at their place of work regarding conflicting work practices. An office worker may be tormented by the wrong practices of her swell colleagues. She may be facing a dilemma as to whether to report her colleagues to the management or tour a blind eye to the situation. The model can help the client to analyse the situation and evaluate her moral values. She would then be able to make an ethical decision that would do least harm to those involved in the situation.In conclusion, the eight step model can be a useful tool in helping a practitioner to guide clients to make sound decisions that do not haveco nflict with their ethics and are aligned with the laws and regulations of the region. In doing so the practitioner must ensure that he or she is operating in the best interest of the clients.

Profession Selected Essay Example for Free

Profession Selected EssayAn accountancy firm provides a grand derive of armed services, such(prenominal) as accountancy, assurance, information technology and secretarial services. For the scope of this paper, we willing select and focus on assurance services entailed by an external visitor on public limited companies in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act. 1. 1 Research Methodology The question methodology espouse in this assignment shall utilize some(prenominal) primary and secondary data in redact to attain sufficient information unavoidable for the military moderate research on assurance services.The primary data will comprise a qualitative research carried off finished interviews with canvas managers and in-charge analyseors of one of the defective four accountancy firms, KPMG, which is shown in App windupix A. inessential information shall entail relevant textbooks, journal articles and web documents as portrayed in the bibliography sec tion. 1. 2 effortless Demands of a maestro Auditor in Public Practice The comments provided by the analyse manager interviewed, shown in Appendix A of this paper ar much in line with what is stated in auditing textbooks, with value to the work of the auditor.Planning is the initial stage of the audit, formerly the auditor is selected and the directors sign the engagement letter (AAT synergistic text Unit 17 2005, p 14). The audit strategy commences with the objectives of the audit, which normally ar identifying key audit areas, nonhing-potential problems, assigning the staff correctly and facilitating the audit review (AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 2005, p 94). This be after step normally entails an examination of the labor, and the companys management in order to hold back the inherent risks of the firm.The flow of documentation and extent of obligates present in the organization are in like manner examined with the destination of constituteting the control risk. On ce the inherent and control risks are set, the detection risk, which is the only risk within the auditors control, is established. The setting of the materiality level, which is an integral piece of risk assessment lead to the end of the planning stage of the audit (AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 2005, p 96 101). The true testing of account balances and transactions commences when the fieldwork starts, normally at the clients premises.Tests of control will be applied on the internal controls present in the corporation with the aim of evaluating their effectiveness in espial and preventing error and fraud. This supports the auditor in determining the substantive tests necessary. In organizations with effective internal control systems, restrictive substantive testing is usually carried out, which comprises audit test on the areas where reasonable assurance was not provided by reliance on the internal controls (AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 2005, p 15).The periodic demands of an auditor are not only on testing, especially when considering the in-charge auditor. Direction and supervision of audit assistants is necessary in order to ensure proper co-ordination. Meetings with the engagement partner, manager and audit staff is likewise carried out during the audit, both at the planning stage, fieldwork and completion phase (AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 2005, p 110 114). 1. 3 Skills and personality traits necessary in an audit environmentA generic serve was provided by the audit manager interviewed, in which he stated that expert, parley and computer application skills are necessary. Good appearance and ethical behavior were noted as regards the personality traits. We ass get on coalesce on such matters by amplifying the skills necessary and expounding the ethical attitude necessary for such profession. confabulation embarrasss three master(prenominal) skills, speaking, listening and interpersonal skills. Speaking skills comprises clear articulation, intonation effects and the pace and pauses adopted during the conveying of the message.During a conversation, both face-to-face and over the telephone it is meaning(a) that we listen. Our ability in properly decoding messages and responding to his feedback even through a yes can build a positive sexual intercourseship, which will in conclusion enhance proper communication (AAT Interactive Text Units 22 and 23 2005, p 224). Interpersonal skills include a mixture of speaking and listening abilities. An man-to-man with good interpersonal abilities will be highly effective in motivating staff, team-building and customer care, which are very important in auditing.such(prenominal) important benefits are derived from staff who is able in negotiating and persuading other people, managing conflict and communicate informatively and supportively (AAT Interactive Text Units 22 and 23 2005, p 201). The computer applications and skillful cognition come outed out during the interview are al so important skills. Computer software package that is normally utilized by an auditor are office software like Microsoft word and excel, and accounting packages such as sage, which will be adopted by the client in order to record accounting transactions and provide the necessary reports.As regards the skilful competence, which is oftentimes attained through formal training in a university needs to be further raise once achieved. A layer qualification is not an end, but a means to an end. It is therefore indispensable that once enrolling in such profession we continue covering important technical areas, such as accounting and auditing standards in order to progress our experience on such aspects. Indeed it is common invest for audit firms to induce and support staff to higher formal education relevant to the auditing profession to make up and widen their technical abilities.The ethical behavior outlined by the manager interviewed can be further illustrated with the aid of the code of ethics of accountants and auditors. An auditor is required to be independent and portray technical competence, one and original attitude in his behavior and judgments (Cottell G. P. et al. 1990, p 29). Independence is achieved by not having close relations in the company, not accepting gifts from customer and the client does not entail a substantial part of the auditors income, which is outside the scope of the employee (AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 2005, p 25 26).Technical abilities are sustained through the evidence requirements, which will be further referred to in the hobby section. While the latter two, highly depend on the character of the individual and the attention devoted to his behavior. The individual interviewed outlined the importance of proper behavior as shown in Appendix A. 1. 4 Licensing Requirements for an Auditor The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the representative body in charge of licensing accountants and auditors in pu blic usage (The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants).The person interviewed outlined this point. From such interview the case of technical competence and practical feature also emerged in order to attain such license. A degree majoring in accountancy is necessary from an accredited university, together with a number of years of practical fellowship with a licensed auditor working in public practice. 1. 5 Remuneration of an Auditor The point that initially an auditor employed in an audit firm will be remunerated a lower wage in relation to the industry arose from the interview. Indeed the interviewee outlined that an average wage of $20 per hour is achieved.This stems from the fact that at the beginning an assistant auditor would need considerable on the play training and could not be given a short letter alone. However, through progression and promotion, the wage can increase reaching a mean of $32. 21 per hour. The possibility of room for growth arose for such job. 1. 6 Opportunities and Threats of in an Audit Environment The audit manager highlighted the fact that a correlation exists between the industry performance and the demand for auditors, like every industry related job. In this respect, the better the economy the great the job opportunities for auditors.However, the unification of a number of different countries in North America and Europe is providing the probability of international markets. As a result, the rewards that successful candidates can achieve once attaining the qualification and entering in such profession are improving (Successful Students get their just reward 2005, p 8). For instance, in the big four audit firms, like KPMG, secondment opportunities are frequently provided to staff, once they gain sufficient experience in the profession. This thus enables them to work in other countries and widen their practical experience on auditing.It was also noted in section 1. 3 that audit firms are supporters of formal ed ucation in order to improve the technical competence of staff. Therefore employees also have the opportunity to increase their education with the aid of the company. Such help may consist of study leave and even financial assistance on the course fee. In the industry such training opportunities are difficult. The manager interviewed showed his concern upon the important nemesis of an auditor, which consists of providing an incorrect audit opinion and losing the firms story.At the beginning of our employment in such profession, however the threat will stem from the increase competition arising from the rise of students undergoing accountancy courses to commence working as auditors. In addition, such industry is considered as a monopolistic market, in which a vast number of clients and auditors exist (Shailer G. et al 2004, p 263). This leads to tough competition requesting the need of high efficiency and service quality, which will be exerted on a tougher selection of employees in the firm. Thus it is important that we enhance the skills necessary for an auditor, portrayed in section 1.3, to overcome such threat. 1. 7 Final Thought My Strengths and Weaknesses in relation to this Profession I am already involved in an accountancy course and therefore the technical skills are being achieved. My commitment to studies is also boosting me in such area. I also possess a good knowledge of computer applications software and always successfully managed to work in a team. The main weakness that I can presently identify is the inability to apply such technical knowledge in practice. This arises from my limited working experience in such area.However, I am confident that once I commence working as an assistant auditor, I will mitigate this problem through the on the job training provided and my dedication to such work. Appendix A Questions and Answers attained from the interview 1. Is planning necessary in auditing? If yes explain what it entails? An external auditor is required by Auditing Standards to properly plan an audit before the commencement of the audit itself. This aids the auditor is assessing risk and identifying key areas of the audit. A properly set plan also promotes coordination and efficiency in the audit team.2. What is main objective of the audit? The primary province of the auditor is to prepare a report on the truth and fairness of the financial statements. 3. What are the large daily demands during the audit fieldwork? Once the in-charge auditor starts the audit assignment, he should coordinate his and the teams efforts in order to eke out the audit within the specified deadline. The internal control system should be checked first via tests of control in order to identify the internal control strengths and weaknesses, which will ultimately affect the audit tests carried out.This is followed by substantive procedures on the important elements of the financial statements. 4. Name the main skills that an external auditor ne cessitates? Apart from technical competence in accountancy and auditing, an auditor requires good communication skills both written and verbal and knowledge of computer applications. On advancement, management and leadership skills are also necessary in view, that he will be managing an audit team. 5. How should an auditor behave at the clients premises? A professional attitude is a must in auditing.We have to keep abreast the fact that due to the neediness of tangibility in a service, the customer will frequently seek tangible factors such as the behavior of audit staff in assessing the service provided. This is thus an important facet to sustain the reputation of the firm. Apart from dressing smartly, the auditor is required to behave ethically, paying particular attention in the communication style and words used when discussing the audit with the client. 6. What is the current compensation of a recent graduate in this profession?At the beginning, the normal average wage of an as sistant auditor would be $20 per hour. Such low wage is provided at the commencement in relation to the industry in view of the on the job training necessary to such staff. Upon progression and promotion the employee can reach $32. 21 per hour. 7. What are the current opportunities in the audit profession? This profession is highly correlated with the industries performance. The more the companies incorporated, the greater the job opportunities for an auditor.The increasing unification of countries, like the European Union is also providing access to international markets. 8. Name the main threats of an auditor? The most critical threat that an auditor faces is the public exposure in instances where an incorrect audit opinion is provided and the organization faces financial problems. In these cases the reputation of the audit firm is destroyed, like Arthur Anderson in the Enron incident. The increasing competition in such profession is also exerting considerable pressure on efficien cy and audit fee. 9.What are the licensing requirements to operate as an auditor in public practice? A special license is necessary to operate as an auditor, which is provided by American Institute of Chartered Accountants once sufficient technical competence and audit training are achieved. Bibliography AAT Interactive Text Unit 17 (2005). Implementing Audit Procedures. capital of the United Kingdom BPP Professional Education. AAT Interactive Text Units 22 and 23 (2005). Health and Safety and Personal Effectiveness. London BPP Professional Education. Cottell G. P. Perlin M. T. (1990).Accounting Ethics A Practical Guide for Professionals. Westport Quorum Books. Shailer G. Cummings L. Vatuloka E. Welch S. (2004). Discretionary Pricing in a Monopolistic Audit Market, International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 8, Issue 3. Successful Students get their just reward, The News Letter, twenty-ninth June 2005. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Legislative Activities an d State Licensing Issues (on line). Available from http//www. aicpa. org/Legislative+Activities+and+state+licensing+Issues/ (Accessed twenty-first May 2007)