Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assess Walmart from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Essay

Assess Walmart from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perspective. How are the tensions that exist in Walmarts business model likely to influence its efforts to improve its CSR credentials - Essay Example From South America, the company opened branches in all coasts of the continent boosting its revenue correction. As Wal-Mart dealt with most of the America glossary, the announcement to improve the nutritional value of its brand was a two-way strategic move since it served as a marketing strategy to win more customers and a social responsibility strategy. The social responsibilities exhibited by Wal-mart are based on its positioning in the market, its employees, the revenue it generates and the goodwill by the company management. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the rule whereby the business get into self-dogmatic process to plough back its earning to enhance social welfare. Different people argue differently concerning corporate social responsibility. Some view CSR as a way to win over customer while others think it is actually a diversion of the real intention of any business and its economic gain. However, according to Hill and Langan (2014, p.1) "†¦the strategic importance of corporate social responsibility for both large and small businesses only continues to grow†. It is also argued that corporate social responsibility is a good tool to reduce workers turnover and helps in the recruitment process too. According to Lee (2007, p.34), the founder of Wal-Mart Sam Walton, insisted that among company main objective was giving customer high quality products, which often there before presumed enough to be considered corporate social responsibility. This was until he died in the year 1992 where afterwards the company took a divergent perspective of donating or giving out the monetary contributions outlook of the corporate social responsibility. For example, according to Mermod and Idowu (2013, p.32), Wal-Mart contributed money and commodities for Hurricane Katrina relief. Today, Wal-Marts benevolent donations are above 1 billion every year. This indicates the difference in the level of corporate

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